When Satan Takes You Over

Feb 12, 2013 22:01

Chapter 2

Sam entered Bobby’s living room, coming to a halt when he saw the older man and Castiel there. Glancing toward where Adam was sleeping on the couch, he opened his mouth to speak when Bobby’s voice stopped him.

“How’s he doing?”

The simple question brought all the emotion Sam had been trying to push back while coming up the stairs right back to the forefront, so he settled for simply shaking his head.

Bobby must have seen something of Sam’s struggle because his expression softened as he asked, “How you doing?”

Unable to answer still, Sam tried to look okay as he nodded at little, but he could tell by the man’s  expression that he wasn’t fooling anyone.  Bobby sighed and turned in his wheelchair toward the kitchen.

“I’ll make us all some grub.”

Clearing his throat, Sam turned to the angel who had been silently watching the exchange, waiting until Bobby had wheeled away to address him.

“Cas….I um…..I need to talk to you.”

The angel’s expression didn’t change from the scowl that had taken over it since they’d arrived on Bobby’s doorstep hours ago, but his body language indicated that he was listening.

“Let’s….”Sam glanced back toward the kitchen. “Let’s go outside.”  Not waiting for a reply, Sam headed toward the front door, feeling the angel following behind him.  When they reached the porch, Sam turned to him to speak, but the consequence of what he was about to ask momentarily overwhelmed him and he hesitated.  Feeling the weight of Castiel’s stare upon him as he stood tongue tied, Sam finally made himself to talk.

“I want to ask you if something’s….possible.” Sam hesitated again, looking back toward the house where his brother sat inside the panic room and steeled himself.

“Dean’s determined to say yes to Michael.” Sam glanced at the silent angel, seeing his expression darkening.  “We can’t let him and I’m not seeing a way out of this short of keeping him down there indefinitely……which….”

“What do you want me to do?” Castiel’s gravelly voice interrupted Sam’s rambling.

Sam nodded, and piercing the other man with a direct stare, he said determinedly, “I know that you lied to me when you told me that Anna’s plan to kill me wouldn’t work.”

Castiel’s brow furrowed, but he remained silent.

“I know that you only said it would because of Dean…..but…,” Sam’s determination faltered for a moment as he swallowed, but he forced himself to continue. “Dean’s not in the game anymore.” He looked up at Castiel again. “We’re out of options.  We have to consider all possibilities now.”

“What are you asking of me, Sam?”

He may have imagined it, but Sam thought he detected a softening in the angel’s normally steely voice.

“I want you…..I know you don’t have your mojo anymore, but I want you to…..there has to be someone else.  Some other angel you could get who would willing to ….go through with it.”  Sam’s statement ended on a whisper as he voiced the words, but he made himself hold Castiel’s gaze.

The angel stared at him for a moment before, surprisingly enough, looking away from the taller man’s eyes. “I am cut off from heaven, Sam.  You know that.”

“But you aren’t denying that you lied, right?” Sam pressed, feeling anxious now that the question had been asked. “It might work….Anna’s plan.”

“Yes, I lied.  Anna’s plan to kill you and scatter your cells across the universe might succeed in keeping Lucifer from bringing you back, but as you said, I don’t have the….mojo….to do it myself.” Castiel looked at Sam pointedly, his blue eyes suddenly reflecting his otherworldly status as he added, “even if I wanted to.”

Sam looked down, feeling a renewed rush of emotion at the angel’s words.  This attitude was such a far cry from their first meeting and subsequent dealings that it was hard to take in.  He had always thought of Castiel as “Dean’s angel”, and it was a little overwhelming to know that he was no longer considered just Dean’s demon-blood tainted brother.

“There’s got to be someone else,” Sam said after a moment. “Some other angel who feels the same as Anna did.”

“Most of the angels are following Michael’s lead.  They have no free will.”

“Most, but not all,” Sam pointed out, taking advantage of the angel’s words. “There have to be some who don’t want the apocalypse.  Some who would be willing to help you stop Lucifer from getting me as his vessel.”

“Dean would not approve of this plan, Sam.”

The words stopped Sam short. “Dean…..he doesn’t….,” Sam swallowed back the lump in his throat. “Like I said, Dean’s no longer in the game so he doesn’t get a say.”  Sam stared at Castiel steadily, keeping his face determinedly neutral.

“I am relatively sure that Dean would have something to say if he knew what you were planning.”

Sam broke the angel’s sharp gaze, shaking his head against the rising emotion in his chest. He looked back up, unaware of the nakedness of his expression. “You have to do this, Cas.  You have to help me do this.  You’re the only one who can and my life….” Sam blinked against the sudden burning in his eyes. “My life’s not worth…..”

“Your life is worth it to Dean,” the quiet voice of the angel came and Sam shook his head, unable to speak against the tears clogging his throat.

“What did Dean say to you to make you come to this decision, Sam?”

Sam shook his head again, ruthlessly forcing down the emotion threatening to unravel his determination. “Nothing. He didn’t say anything other than that he won’t let Adam take the fall for him.  I can’t get him to change his mind.” He looked at Castiel with more composure. “You’re a soldier, Cas.  And you know we can’t afford to lose this war.  If my life is what it takes to win then you know we have to consider the possibility if it’s feasible that this might work.  If it doesn’t....” Sam hesitated, not wanting to think about the consequences of another failure on his head. “If it doesn’t, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

Castiel stared his piercing stare for a moment, then blinked in what appeared to be acquiescence.  “It will take me some time.  I cannot let Michael know what I am doing.”

Sam let out a breath, not realizing that he’d been holding it. “Okay….okay.  Just get back as soon as you can and I’ll….”

“I assume you don’t want Bobby to know what you’re doing ,” Castiel stated.

“No,” Sam answered, feeling guilty, but knowing that he couldn’t confide in the gruff hunter.  “He…”

“He would not approve either,” the angel finished for him, his knowing gaze boring into Sam’s.

“I have to do this, Cas.” Sam’s expression once more determined as he spoke. “I can’t stand around doing nothing when I know that this might save everyone.  I just can’t.  You know I’m right.”

The angel didn’t say anything and the next moment Sam was startled as a flap of wings blew his hair into his eyes.  When he looked again, Castiel was gone from the porch, leaving him alone.


hurtsam, genre, angst

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