Has it really been a year

Nov 30, 2015 22:17

It's really very frightening to sit here and thing it's been a year since I fell into the whirlpool of Hermione/Snape. Because it has. And it's been... disturbing, but entertaining. And sometimes I'm desperate, since there's no good fic left I haven't read (I think). And there's far too much awful, melodramatic, master/slave, master/apprentice schlock that makes me grind my teeth and back-button (and then when I'm desperate, skim in hopes it will at least fill the void).

I still don't think I'll ever read the HP books.

But I have at least bothered with the movies. Now, if only they'd cast someone younger and more gaunt than Mr. Rickman, I might have a chance at shipping that version of the characters.

also, may I say that if I'd been able to transfer the veela/animagus porn from my head to my computer, I would totally have won nano this year. Because they are voracious. And I'm sure I originally had a plot in there, somewhere

what do i need tags for

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