Out of boredom I was reading a whole bunch of fanfics and stumbled across a gravitation fanfic buy Lastaras (Great name btw)called Simple Amusements. In the story the characters are challenged to write down 10 things that amuse them. The concept for the fic was so amusing I decided to give it a go. If you want ot check out the fic(wich I recomend) here's the link
Simple Amusements
1. My cat Ryo Oki. When he spazzes out attacking things aren't there. His tail puffs up to twice it's normal size and he becomes spring loaded, bouncing and tumbling like a maniac. It's just soo cute.
2. Carly, my youngest sister. She has a wonderful sense of humer and irony. I n a tough situation she always knows just what to say to put in perspective and make me laugh. Her wit knows no bounds.
3. Jokes emailed around the office. There's nothing like listening to the trail of laughter as a particularly good joke is emailed from one cubicle to next. Within minutes everyone is standing up discussing and laughing over the joke. It's what I love most about my job.
4. Anime/Manga. I love the off the wall situations and the goofy faces. If only life were half as amusing and exciting as a anime/manga plot.
5. Children, as long as I'm not responsible for them. There so energetic and uninhibited. Their innocense and honesty is priceless.
6. Laura, my new friend. She has the abillity to get me to do and say things I normally would be to embarrased to otherwise. She also has an amazing wit and is good for a well timed joke.
7. Aiden, Laura's son. He calls me 'His Sarah' and is the sweetest and cutest kid.
8. RPing online. The chance to pretend to be someone else and have that person do all kinds of off the wall stuff. Always amusing.
9. Watching people play DDR. What can I say, good or bad it's just fun to watch. If they're good it's amazing to watch the skill and concentration. If they're bad it's fun sympathise and laugh a little at how rediculous they look.
10. Quizes and meme's here on live journal. These are always fun to answer and to read my friends answers too.
There you have it. Now I challenge my friends to give this a try. I really had fun thinking these up and smiled or laughed at each answer.