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Jul 10, 2006 08:13

Talk about a weekend from hell. Car troubles now hold a whole new meaning for me. So I was driving Carly and Steve back to spokane. Just outside of the tri-cities my car suddenly loses all acceleration. I think WTF and pull over to the side of the highway and turn the car off thinking it was over heated or some such. Did I mention it was almost 100 outside. Anyway the car wouldn't start up again so I told Carly to call dad. I would have called but I thought I'd left my phone at work. Anyway he says to let it sit for like a half hour and try again. So we sit on theside of the road watching cars pass until someone pulled over. Oh I probably didn'tmention that I know pretty much nothing about cars. Anyway, This nice guy looks at my car and tells me I have no oil and that my engine was probably screwed. We call dad and he tells us to find a mile marker so he can send a tow truck. In the boiling heat we trudged almost a mile back down the road to a store where we cooled down and bought some water. Dad called for a tow and told us to go wait at the car in case the cops stop by. So back we walk. During this whole process I'm fighting not to give in to the depression, making morbid jokes and railing at life in general while Carly yells at me for getting down. I'm sure we made for a great comedy act. Anyway's while we're walking back to the car people driving past are honking at us like they think we're doing this for fun or something. Poeple can be such asses. We finally get back to the car and do some more waiting. Steve decides to count the cars that pass without stopping. He gets up to about 97 and Carly decides to go stand next to him not three cars later and a big truck pulls over and big millitary guy, he was wearing army gear, gets out. Carly and I bust up laughing while steve goes to talk to him. The tow truck finally arives and takes us and my broke pos to kenniwick where we wait for dad to come rescue us. While waiting steve busted out his laptop and we watched Negima. Talk about anime freaks we were stranded and wathcing anime. I find it all too funny. Dad took us back to spokane and now I'm waiting to find out how broke my car is. Until then I'm borrowing dad's car so I can get to work. See a long crappy weeekend from hell. If it weren't for my sister I'd have totally lost it.
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