Book 4 Age 10

Jul 15, 2013 22:07

The Return of One
By: B.W. Phillips

Hear you now. A story of good verses evil. A story of Light and Dark. A story of the King of Darkness and of his final fall. Concern yourself no less of quests and dragons, of magical Armor and weapons, of death and Evil himself, of light and the rebirth of the warriors who fought Evil to rid this world of his power, of the quest that they went on and failed to complete thrice. Concern yourself of the events that caused the cosmic metamorphosis to which brought about the world which we know now to be the world of......Man. Come with me now as I take you upon the most dangerous journey traveled in the histories of Light and Dark, the deadliest quest the Light Warriors shall face even now as I speak unto you. Come with me now as I take you to worlds of untold riches and evils, to worlds of untold histories and quests. Come with me now while I take you on a quest to destroy Evil, and cleanse Earth of the evil that plagues it still to this very day. Come with me now as I take you into the worlds of Evils' mind and bring you to glimpse the Master of Darkness and Death. Join us now in the quest of Light and the destrution of Evil. But, what lord is strong and brave enough to bring about all that has been and all that will be evermore? What lord you ask? Why no lord and no lady have done what has been said within the bowls of the ink that makes the words with which you read here in the pages of this book. They are a team of friends and family. A team of heros and heroines that are barely adults, many of them teen-agers in their own worlds and their own ways of life. They are the people who fought in the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Quest for Peace. They are the Light Warriors. They are the Warriors chosen by the wizard Moeton, who in his strain to learn of the Magic of Light, was brought down to the Magic of Darkness and became a slave to the enigma known to everyone as Evil. I shall take you first to the five youngest of the Light Warriors. I shall take you to three months after the destruction of Evil for the first time. There I shall leave you to make your battle with Evil and see him killed by your eyes. Come with me now and you shall see Evils' rebirth and the fight of enternity. You shall bear witness to the death of the most powerful creature in the bowls of hell. You shall see Evil, himself, destroyed and live no longer in thehearst and minds of the people of Earth. Come with me and see the Light Warriors gather once more and fight side by side once more so that Evil will never rule this world, that we call Man, again. You, and only you, can help the Light Warriors. Only you can bring them to their final fight. Only you can bring them to the peace that they want and hope for. Only you and no other. Join us and let the battle start anew in the city of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Come with us and see the battle rage day and night. Join un and let the greatest journey begin! Farwell for now!

Chapter 1

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! The car honked furiously as it almost ran Serena down. It continued to honk as it sped past her. "Serena! Look out for that car!" Amy yelled as she rode to school on her brand new red ten speed bike. Serena looked back at her and stuck out her tounge. What the heck was she so upset about anyway? It was the first day of school in three months after the city had been rebuilt from what looked like World War Three. The real reason behind the city's major need of repair was that a person named Evil had tried to conquer the Earth and the entire galaxy as well. Serena and her friends had been apart of it. They had fought to keep Evil from getting all that he needed. What he had needed was energy from humans in order to bring a castle called Dragonsfire to their world, but with the help and knowledge of their friend, Benji, that had been delayed for awhile. Evil, somehow, mangaged to bring the castle to the Earth, but they had all fought hard trying to keep him from bringing it to full power. Their friend had died in that fight and he was now a ghost.

Serena sped past a corner and then blasted her way up the side walk that led to the school. She wanted to get there as fast as she could because she hated school and would have rather stayed home in bed and sleep. She then braked sharply and pushed her bike into the bike rack. She tossed her dark blue back-pack off her back and took out a metal chain and began to thread it through the spokes of her front tire. Amy rode up next to her and climbed off her bike. She looked down at Serena and shook her head. "You know, you could have gotten killed back there. What the heck are you in such a hurry for anyway?" She asked her friend. Her blueish colored hair shinned in the cold sun light of the winter that had not yet turned to spring. Her blue eyes shone with wonder at how a girl like Serena could have survive that on-coming car and not look a darn bit frighted. The wind blew coldly agaist her arms and she shivered from it. Her white shirt fluttered slightly in the breeze and the same with the very ends of her black pants. Shaking her head again, she locked up her bike next to Serenas'.

"I wanted to get here as fast as I could so I could just get this day over with. You know I hate going to this place." Serena answered. Amy finished locking up her bike and then the two walked over to the west wing of the school. They were both in nineth grade, so they both went to the same wing of the school. Serenas' golden blond hair shimmered brightly in the cold light of the sun. It flew here and there in the breeze as if it were free and wild and not attached to her head. She wore a red shirt and blue jeans. They soon arrived at the old metal doors that led inside to their classes. Amy opened the door and Serena slowly walked inside. Amy followed her and they went down to their class rooms.

"So what are you going to be doing this afternoon?" Serena asked Amy. "Any thing fun?"

"I don't know. I'm going to see if I can talk to my science teacher and find out if I can get any extra credit work for the week." Amy said. Sireena nearly fell over with shock. It was the first day of school and Amy was already thinking of extra credit?!

"You have got to be kidding?! Why would you want extra credit when you're a straight "A" student?" Serena asked Amy.

"In case I manage to fail any of the exams that our teachers give us. You really should be thinking about extra credit too. You definitely could use it."

"Oh, shut up! I really don't give a care about my grades anyway. I just want to get out of school and stay out!"

"If that's what you want then I sugjest that you work a bit harder. You won't pass the nineth grade without a "C" average and you've got what? A "D" average?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! I know what I have to do to get out of this dump!"

"Then do it and quit being such a loafer! You want out, get good grades. That's all I have to say. Anyway I'm late for class. I'll see you by the bike rack this afternoon." Amy said and walked away. The hall that the two were walking through was barely filled with kids. But then again, it was almost six thirty in the morning and school didn't start to seven forty five. Serena nearly choked. Though Amy was right about getting good grades, she didn't have to rub it in that she was getting rather poor grades. Serena turned around and unlocked her locker. She took out her english and math book and then closed the door. She walked to her class and took her seat in the back of the fifth row of chairs. She had put her books by her back-pack and was now sleeping on her desk. The bell that singaled that everyone should get to class rang and she was jolted awake.

"Great. The torture begins!" Serena said to herself as the rest of the students began to walk into the class room. Soon everyone was seated and Mrs. Rosewoodick walked into the room. She was a trim black woman in her mid twenties. She was tall and was wearing a dark blue dress and shirt that had a pin on it saying: "You miss school and you miss out." Serena thought that saying was very true in her case. She hated school so much that she wanted to miss out on everything that had to do with it! Mrs. Rosewoodick walked over to her old and beaten up wooden desk and took her seat. She then looked out at her students and smiled a mean sort of smile.

Chapter 2

"Today we shall begin by learning about the decimal system and just to let you all know, there is going to be a ten page homework assignment due by tomorrow morning on what we learn so pay attention. Anyone who doesn't do the assignment will get detention for the next twelve weeks!" Mrs. Rosewoodick said. Serena sat bolt straight in her chair. Had she fallen asleep again at the chalk board? No, she realized she was still in her desk in the back of the fifth row. Did she go deaf then? She looked around at some of the other students and saw that she was not the only one surprized by the amount of work that each student had to do that night. Several of them wore expressions of utter shock.

"Great, I'm dead! I'll never get that much work done tonight!" Serena thought. Soon the bell rang and everyone left the class. Serena was the first one out of the door. She raced over to her english class and took her seat right in front of the teacher's desk. Within a few seconds everyone was inside of the room and Mr. Anderson walked in. He was in his mid forties and was a very kind person. He was balding and his melon sized head held eyes that were blue as sapphires. They could bore into a student like drills into wood. They began the period by reveiwing for a test that would be given in three weeks. Fortunately for Serena, he didn't give any homework out to his students. Later at lunch Serena met with her friends Amy, Ray, Mina, and Lita. They were seated at an old blue and white table that was metal. The seats had holes in them so that when it rained the water would land on the ground and the seat wouldn't collect all of the rain water that landed on it. It was slightly sprinkling that day. Mina looked from Serena to Amy and then to Ray and Lita and then back to Serena again. Her blue eyes shinned with peace in the light of the afternoon sun. Her blond hair, like Serena's was shinny and golden. She wore a gree tee-shirt and purple pants. Rays' charcoal black eyes wandered from face to face and then out to the city that seemed to be far away from her sight. Her black hair fell losely over her right shoulder and a few strands strayed over her left eye. She wore a dark blue sweet shirt and blue jeans to match the color of the shirt. Lita's brown hair also did the same that Ray's was doing: it fell losely over her right shoulder and a few strands had gone over her left eye. She pushed then back behind her ear. Two very thin whisps of hair hung in front of her ears, one in front of each ear. They curled slightly under her jaw. Her brown eyes were large and filled with wonder. She was the strength of the small group. Mina was the bravery. Amy was the intelligence. Ray was the one with the sences of danger. And Serena was the stubbornness of the group.

"So what are you guys planing to do for the rest of the week?" Serena asked her friends.

"Don't know right now. I'm thinking I'd like to go to the mall this afternoon. You know, since my mom and dad won't be home until seven this evening, I thought it would be nice to spend a few hours shopping instead of doing my homework." Mina said.

"I'd agree with that." Serena said.

"What? Don't you two like homework?" Amy asked with a smile. She looked down at her peanut butter and jelly sandwhich a moment and then looked back at the two of them.

"Us like homework?! I have one word to sum up the answer to that: NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" Serena said. She put her slice of pizza into her mouth and bit off a large chunck of it.

"All I'm going to do is practice my forms this afternoon and help my brother with his kata." Lita said. Lita chewed lightly on her spaghetti noodles. The stuff tasted like cardboard!

"You sure like that karate stuff, huh?" Serena asked her. Lita nodded. Through everyone's converstaions, Ray stared out toward the west. She looked past the baseball field and out into the city where she was able to see far off, the Twin Towers. She shuddered at the memory of the fight that was held there.....She was brought back from her thoughts by Amy's voice.

"Hey, Ray! What's wrong?" Amy asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Why do you ask?" Ray said turning to her.

"Ever since school started today, you've been staring out in that direction. Are you okay?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking of...... of the battle that Benji died in. I don't get it. Why did we survive and yet he died so easily. The Armor he was wearing during the fight was at least three inches thick, right?" Ray said. "I'm mean if it's that thick why, then, did that knife pierce it and kill him?"

"Don't look at me! I have no idea." Amy said. Ray laughed. Amy always had a way of doing that to her. They finished their lunch and then the bell rang. Quickly they gathered their things and went to class. When the bell rang at the end of sixth period, Serena ran out of the class room so fast that she almost mowed Amy down!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Amy shouted as she jumped to the side. "Serena! Watch out for crying out loud!" Amy yelled at Serena when she had stopped and turned back to her. Serena walked back to Amy, an embarrassed look on her face.

"Uh....sorry about that." She said. Amy just glared at her and then broke into laughter!

"Couldn't wait to get out of there right? Next time, don't bring your rocket shoes!" Amy said jokingly. Serena rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's get outta here!" She said.

"Right! Let's go." Amy said and turned around. She began walking back to her class room.

"Amy! The bike rack is the other way!" Serena shouted after her. Amy stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"I know that! I need to get my extra credit. I said I'd meet you at the bike rack this morning so that's what I'm going to do!" Amy called to Serena.

"Oh. Alright! I'll meet you over there." Serena called. She turned and went straight to the bike rack. In a few minutes Amy joined her.

"Sorry about the wait. I forgot about my extra credit work." Amy said and unlocked her bike. She pulled it out of the rack and, after she put her lock away in her back-pack, she climbed on. They rode down the street and back up the corner. At the corner of West Street and Main, Amy turned to the left and stopped. She looked over to Serena.

"Guess I'll see ya later." Amy said to her friend.

"Same here! By the way, when were you planning on turning in that extra credit stuff?" Serena asked.

"The next morning, along with the three hours of homework I got today." Amy said. Serena rolled her eyes up to the sky.

"How can anyone like homework so much?!" She said. Amy laughed and then biked away. Serena turned down Main street and then biked for another block. She stopped at the corner of Main and Temple Drive. There she got off her bike and pushed it up to the garage door where she let it fall to the ground with a clatter. She walked around the bike and then up on to the front porch. The house was painted yellow and the porch had two wooden poles holding the roof up. Near the right side window was an enormus pine tree. The trunk was at least ten feet around and ten and a half feet thick. The tree was about fifty or sixty feet tall and the branches were the size of the Empire State Building! Serena opened the door of the house and walked inside. She could smell brownies being cooked in the kitchen.

"Serena, is that you?" She heard her mother call from the kitchen. She walked over to the kitchen door and opened it. Inside her mother was bent over a cooking book, flour and dough all over her hands. She looked up and smiled at her daughter.

"Um, hi mom." Serena said.

"Have a good time in school?" Her mother asked.

"You know how much I hate that place! I also hate the word school!" Serena said. "I don't ever want to go there again! What a day!"

"So in other words you had a bad day in school right?"

"Yes. I got a ten page math assignment and it's due tomorrow morning! Guess what happens if I don't do it? I'll get twelve weeks of detention!"

"You have got to be kidding?! Then I sugjest you begin right away. No television for you until it's done."

"Moooooooom! Are you mad?!"

"I will be if you don't get started on it right now!" Serena's mother said and glared at her. Serena stomped out of the kitchen and went up stairs to her room. In front of her was her computer that had nothing but games on it. It was seated on an old and beaten up redwood desk. A chair, also made from redwood, stood by the desk. On the wall were hundreds of posters of rock stars and pictures of her friends. On top of the desser that was next to her bed were some old stuffed animals that she had kept when she was younger. Her radio alarm clock read three in the afternoon. She glanced over at her dresser for a moment and looked down the small row of stuffed toys. Her blue eyes came to rest in the center of the row. In the center of the row was a gold and silver framed picture.

The picture had plate glass covering it. Under the glass was a picture of herself, Amy, Ray, Lita, Mina, and her friend, Benji. Tears welled up inside of her eyes at the sight of his face. She missed him a lot and she had no way of telling him unless she could see him as his spirit form. She walked over to the picture and picked it up. She peered down at it and a tear drop hit the glass where his face was. She sighed and then dumped her bag on to the chair by the desk. She opened the biggest pocket of it and pulled out her binder. Serena opened it up and then set it on top of her computer. She took out a pencil and then leafed through the binder to find her math homework. Serena looked at it with disgust and then sat down on her bed. She lay down and again took hold of the gold and silver framed picture. She took it off the dresser and then looked at it for a long time. She pressed the picture up against her chest and spoke softly to it. "Oh, Benji, what would you do in my situation?" She asked the picture. No answer came to her for none could come. "You'd get started with the work that had been given to you during school and then sleep." Serena said softly. Another tear found its way out of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She closed her eyes for a moment and in the moment, she thought that she saw the face of her friend. Her mind wandered back to when he had died. It travled back to when she had seen him fall and perish and then become a ghost. It travled back to when she had spoken with his spirit before leaving the graveyard with her mother and father. She thought of the time when Ray had gone to see him and had come back to them changed by whatever he had said to her. It was then that Serena had told her his message. She had been shocked to hear it, but at the same time she felt pleased by it.

"I can do my homework later." She said to herself. She yawned and slept for half an hour.

Chapter 3

A tapping sound was heard at the window. Serena slowly woke up and then looked around her room. "What in the world is that awfull tapping sound?" She said to herself. She then knew that it was coming from her bedroom window. She pulled back the curtains and was staring in the face of her friend, Benji! She nearly fell over with shock. "Benji! What in the world are you doing here?" Serena said. Of coarse he couldn't really hear her because the window was shut, so she opened the window and repeated what she had said: "Benji! What in the world are you doing here?" Benji smiled at her.

"I was in the area so I thought I'd stop by and see how things are going." Benji said.

"Thanks. Come on in." Serena said. Benji blinked and was floating inside Serenas' room.

"You have got to teach me that!" Serena said sarcastically. "By the way, I gave Ray your message. So what's it like being a ghost?"

"Thanks for doing that for me. Being a ghost is the same like it has been when I was alive. The only difference is that I really don't need to wear my Armor to fly." Benji said.

"Have you found any sign of him returing?"

"No, I really don't think he'll manage to come back this time. When you combined your powers and when I added mine, we hit him harder than he thought we could so I really don't think he'll be dumb enough to tangle with you guys again."

"What do you mean by ''you guys"? You're still going to help us if he does come back right?"

"There is little I can do now that I'm a ghost."

"Yeah right! You could hit him without him even knowing it or you could surprize him with a few "magic" tricks."

"Oh, give me a break! He just happens to be a spirit just like me. When someone is a ghost, another ghost can tell when someone or something that's also in a ghost form is coming and be perpared for it."

"You mean like they do in Highlander?"

"Yeah. Sort of like that."

"Must be hard for you huh?" Serena said. Her eyes looked into the ghost in front of her. Though she could see right through him, Benji knew that she was still a little bit shaken up by the fight.

"It's not that bad. I admit that it does get kind of annoying when I want to speak with some of my other friends who can't see me, but all in all I do like it." Benji said.

"Do you know what would happen if someone were to hit you?" Sireena said. "I mean would that person's hand go through you or hit rock hard bone?"

"I have no idea." Benji answered.

"Do you think I should try it?" Serena said with a glimmer in her eyes.

"If you want to go ahead, but I need to warn you that I might not be able to catch you if fall." Benji said.

"I don't mind." Serena said and balled her right hand into a fist.

Chapter 4

Serena lunged forward and let her hand fly out toward Benji's jaw. The fist hit........flesh and rock hard bone! Benji's head spun to the side. His jaw hurt like crazy and his lip was a bit swollen. Serena stared at her friend for a second, her eyes huge and mouth open. Benji turned his head to look at her again. The right side of his jaw was already begining to turn purple. Blood slowly dripped down the right corner of his lips. "What.....what did I do?" Serena said. She couldn't believe that she had actually sluged her best friend.

"Nothing. You slugged me, that's all." Benji said. "I don't believe it, but that punch hurt like crazy!"

"So you're not dead anymore?" She asked Benji.

"Once you're dead, you stay that way. I guess I let myself become solid." Benji said.

"Cool!" Serena said to her friend. At that moment foot steps were heard approaching her bed room door. Benji qucikly turned around and flew right through the wall! The door opened and Serena's father walked into her room. "Hi, dad." Serena said when she saw her father.

"Hi." Her father said. "Have fun at school?" Serena just rolled her eyes. She knew that her father was going to ask her about her homework. He did and she said that she'd get started right that minute. She hopped that Benji was alright.

Benji soared over the city and then flew back to his grave. There he saw that his friends Lita and Ray were standing near his tombstone. Benji landed a few feet behind Lita. "You know, I wish that Benji wasn't dead. Even though we can see his ghost form, it's not really the same since he's been gone." Ray said. She looked down upon his tombstone and closed her eyes. Her dark black hair dangled over her left eye. Lita put her left arm over Ray's shoulders and stood beside her. This was when Benji thought it would be a good idea to let them know that he was right behind them.

"Hello Ray. Hello Lita." He said. Both girls jumped. Lita spun around and was already in a combat stance ready to fight before she even knew that it was Benji's voice that they had heard. She stood up and looked over at Ray. She was holding her chest with her right hand and was breathing rather hard.

"Benji, don't do that again! You nearly scared me to death!" Ray said.

"Hi, Benji. Were you looking for someone?" Lita asked Benji.

"No, I had actually come back to my grave to think about some things, when I saw you two. Didn't mean to scare you guys. So what are guys doing here? I thought that by almost four in the afternoon, you'd be at home watching television or, in your case Lita, practicing your forms." Benji said.

"Oh, I thought I'd take a break from all of the practicing I do nowadays. Thought I'd get outside and get some fresh air." Lita said.

"I was just walking around and found myself here. I was just wondering what's it like to fly above the city like you do and see it from so far up there?" Ray said.

"You two seem a bit upset about something. Is anything wrong or am I just hearing things because the Lita I know doesn't take time off from practice unless something was really bugging her and the Ray I know would be in front of the television watching a whole mess of shows." Benji said.

"Okay! Okay! We'll admit it! Something is wrong. It's just that....that, well, the two of us were just a bit down in the dumps about you getting killed in the fight three months ago. We were wondering how that could have happened when your Armor was at least three inches thick." Lita said.

"That happened because the blade to the knife that killed me was the Knife of Death. The only thing that could have peirced my Armor like that would have to be the Ghost of Death's knife. You see the Grim Reaper can take the spirits of anything no matter how much protection that person or creature has. Even his brother, Evil, can't protect himself from his brother's grasp. That's why I was killed when I really should be alive." Benji said.

"Now I understand. It'll still take some time for me to get used to that. I mean what if I wanted to talk to you about some problems at school or something like that? How would I be able to do that if you're dead?" Ray said. In the past Benji had been a big help to Ray and her friends. He had managed to help her out of some nasty fights with kids that would have really hurt her. Even though she was a strong person, she knew that without Benji's help she would have been hurt badly. Benji laughed.

"Good question, Ray. I have a simple answer for that." Benji said. He balled his right hand into a fist and then turned it so that, when he opened his hand, his palm would be facing up. He opened his hand and lying on his palm were five items that looked like really flat pagers. Each was a different color.

"What are they?" Lita asked Benji.

"Comunicators. You can use them to get in touch with each other when things start getting ugly. You can also use them to speak with me. I'll be wearing one at all times." Benji said. "The one with the fire symbol on it is yours, Ray and the one with the planet Jupiter is yours, Lita. Would you guys be able to give the rest of the comunitcators to the others when you get a chance?"

"Sure!" Lita said taking their comunicators. She gave the one belonging to Ray to her and then she clipped the one that she had gotten onto her belt. Ray took the last three and found that they had a picture of a head band with a red jewle in the center of it, ice cubes, and the planet Venus on them. After talking for a while longer, Ray and Lita left. The next day at school Lita and Ray met Amy at the door of the west wing. Ray gave her the communicator.

"What's this?'' Amy asked.

"It's a communicator. You can use it to get in touch with us or Benji.'' Ray answered. "Each of us will have one."

"At what time should I use it?" Amy asked.

"Whenever you're in trouble. Also don't let anyone know about it alright, otherwise you might lose it." Lita said.

"I understand." Amy said.

"Listen we've got to go if we're going to make it to class on time. See ya later, Amy." Lita said. They quickly walked away and headed toward the east wing of the school. They were both in the tenth grade. Amy walked down the dimly lit hallway and then went to her class. At lunch that day Ray, Lita, and Amy all met with the rest of their friends: Serena and Mina. They each got their communicators and were told when they should use them. Soon the bell rang and they went to their classes. At the end of the day Amy, Ray, Mina, Lita, and Serena all met at the bike racks. They unlocked their bikes and headed south to the mall. They had talked with their parents the night before and each said it would be okay if they went to the mall for half an hour. Soon they were standing outside in front of the main doors to the mall.

"After we lock our bikes up, we'll have a half hour to buy whatever we want! I know exactly what I want to get!" Serena said.

"So what are you going to get?" Mina asked Serena.

"A ton of comic books and some candy!" She answered.

"Sheesh! You'll rot your brain on those comics!" Lita said. The group laughed and headed into the mall. They split up and each went her own way. Serena went straight to the book section of the mall.

"I can't wait to get home and read these! Oh wow! The newest issue of The Masked Avenger! I'm certainly going to buy that one!" Serena said when she looked around the area for the comic books. She walked up to their display case and then picked out twenty of the comic books including the newest issue of The Masked Avenger. Within a few moments, Amy had gone into the book section. She walked over a shelf and pulled down a large leather bound book. It was on advanced mathematics. Amy then found Serena. Serena found her way to the candy department of the mall and bought almost three weeks worth of an assortment of candy! Soon the two of them met with their friends by the main doors of the mall. As they were about to leave and go home, some shouted:

"Help! Theif! Stop that guy!"

Chapter 5

"What the heck?!" Lita said. Suddenly a huge man barged past them like a run away train! He knocked down Serena and Amy and continued to run without even stopping say: I'm sorry. Lita and Mina saw that he was holding a lady's puse!

"Come on! After that guy!" Mina shouted and gave chase after the man. "Stop, you creep!" She shouted at him.

"Mina, wait! He might have a gun!" Lita shouted. She had no choice but to go after Mina. The man had made it outside and was headed towards a red and blue car, when Mina jumped into the air and kicked the man right in the back of the head with a flying side kick. The man rolled on the ground and stood back up facing Mina..............with a forty-five caliber pointed right at her head!

"Oops! Um.....could we talk about this?" Mina asked the man.

"Move!" The man said and waved the gun toward the car. Mina had no choice but do as he said. Suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Chapter 6

"Excuse me, but you really wouldn't shoot a girl would you?" The person said. The man turned around and saw that no one was behind him. He turned back to Mina. She took the chance and kicked the man in the groin and then gave him a knee kick to the nose. The man pulled the triger and the bullet wizzed out of the gun!

Chapter 7

The bullet missed Mina by an inch and wizzed into the air! Mina then kicked the man in the face and he fell on his back, knocked out. She picked up the purse and then walked back to the mall with it. By this time there was a large crowd of people outside of the mall watching what was going on. Mina's friends were in the very front of the crowd. "That was really brave of you to go after that person for me!" The owner of the purse said. Mina gave the woman her purse back and looked over to her friends. Amy gave her a thumbs up sign, Serena smiled at her, Lita glared at her and motioned for her to step to the side of the crowd. She did and Lita said:

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. The bullet missed me by an inch." Mina said.

"You know that was really dumb of you to go after that guy. But anyway, nice job." Lita said. The crowd soon dispersed and the cops came to take the man to prison. Soon the girls went home. At about seven that night Mina was sitting on her bed in her room. She was thinking about the day's events. Suddenly a tapping sound was heard at her window. She leapt off her bed and then looked out the window. Outside was Benji. Mina was a bit shocked by his visit. Then she motioned for him to come in. He flew through the wall and floated over to the center of the room.

"I was about to ask my dad if it would be alright for me to go on walk so I could thank you for stopping that man today." Mina said.

"What man?" Benji with true puzzlement.

"You mean you've forgoten about the attemped theft today at the mall? You tapped him on the shoulder and said: "Excuse me, but you really wouldn't shoot a girl would you?" When the man turned around to see who had tapped him, I kicked him right in the groin and then grabed his head and kneed him right in the nose. You don't remember do you?" Mina said.

"How can I when I wasn't even there?" Benji said.

"You were too there! I heard someone say that, but didn't see anyone so you must have been invisible to my eyes." Mina said.

"I'm telling you I wasn't there today. I was over at my grave sleeping!"

"Then if you weren't there, who was?"

"Don't look at me, but I have a strange feeling about this. Did the voice sound like mine?"

"A little. Why?"

"And once you had kneed the person in the nose, you didn't see anyone, right?"

"That's right. No one was there. The crowd was focused on me and Lita, Amy, Serena, and Ray couldn't get out there in time to help me."

"Hmmmm. Sounds he's the one who helped you." Benji said to himself.

"Who helped me?" Mina asked.

"I'm not really positive, but it sounds like my brother helped you. You're the only one I know that gets the two of us so easliy confused, because our voices sound the same sometimes." Benji said.

"Then why couldn't I see him? If it really was your brother, why couldn't I see him and yet I could hear his voice?" Mina asked.

"Because he might be a ghost right now and not have the ability to make himself visible to the eyes of, no offence, a human." Benji said. Suddenly the handle on Mina's bedroom door turned. Mina looked to Benji and saw that he was gone.

"Probabaly left." Mina thought. The door opened and in walked Mina's brother Steven. A grin was on his face. "What do you want?" Mina asked her brother.

"Nothing. I heard you talking to someone, so I thought it might be that jack-ass of a friend of yours, Benji or whatever his name was. Still taking walks up to his grave? Bet you wish you could be with him right now don't you?" Steven said. A sly look was on his face.

"You little rat! Look. Benji was a really good friend of mine! You have no right to call him a jack-ass!" Mina said.

"Oh, so you're in love with him?" Steven said.

"If you ever say that again, I'll kill you!" Mina said and grabbed one of her pillows and threw it at her brother. He caught it and then tossed it back at her. "For a seven year old brat, he sure as a good pitch!" Mina thought as she took hold of her pillow.

"You're really in love with him aren't you?" Steven said meanly.

"You just don't know when to quit, do you? I guess I'll have to beat it into you! Come here you little brat!" Mina said and jumped after him. Steven dodged and got to the door. Mina stood up and then in a single bound, was practically on top of him. Steven turned the knob of the door, but the door wouldn't open. He tryed again, this time turning the knob the other way. Still the door wouldn't open. He turned to his sister.

"Alright open the door! I've had it with you're games girl!" Steven said.

"I didn't even lock it! You open it!" Mina said. She walked back over to her bed and sat down.

"I did and it won't open!" Steven said.

"Steven, listen to me!" A voice out of nowhere said. Steven looked around and saw no else besides himself and his sister in the room.

"Enough with the sound tricks! Unlock the door!" He said angerly to his sister.

"Sorry. I'm not the one who locked it." Mina said.

"Then who did?" Steven said. His voice shook with rage.

"Benji did." Mina said.

"Yeah right! You're lying!" Steven shot back at her.

"Alright, ask him!" Mina said and suddenly Benji appeared right before Steven's eyes.

"Hello Steven." He said.

"I don't believe this! I'm talking to a damn hologram!" Steven said.

"Watch your tounge!" Mina said to him. Her eyes were wide with shock at what her younger brother had said.

"Nope, I'm the real thing. I'm a ghost." Benji said to Steven.

"Prove it!" Steven challenged Benji.

"I would take that back if I were Steven. Benji is not the kind of person to fool around with. He might end up hurting you. He's good in karate just to let you know." Mina said.

"So this is the person you've been talking to? A stupid computer image?! I said prove to me that you are a ghost!" Steven shouted to Benji and Mina. Benji sighed and looked over to Mina.

"Well, in order to get this kid to shut up, I guess I have no choice." Benji said and winked at her. She did the same. Benji entered a karate stance and then lashed out at Steven and landed a firm palm slap to the right side of his face! Steven held his right hand up to where Benji's hand hit him

"Well? Now do you believe that Benji is real?" Mina said.

"No. That was only a trick. I was hit by a ball or something like that that you probably threw at me!" Steven said. Benji stared at him for a second.

"Then if hitting you didn't work, then hit me." Benji said. A glimmer of pleasure sparkled in Steven's eyes. He suddenly lashed out at Benji with a punch to the face and hit solid flesh and bone!

"What the heck?" Steven said. Benji had taken the punch and now looked at Steven with cold cruel eyes.

"Now you should know that I'm real." Benji said.

"I guess I do now. Thanks. Now I really do know that my sister is in love with you!" Steven said. Benji grabbed him by his neck and picked him up off the ground.

"Look, kid! Your sister and I are just friends! Now go back to your room or some place like that and leave her alone!" Benji said and snapped his fingers. Steven disappeared. He reappeared in front of the television where he had been before he had started to annoy his sister. Mina was shocked. Her eyes were wide and huge with disbelief.

"Wh...What have you done to him?" She asked Benji.

"Nothing. I just time warped him to the television. That's all." Benji said.

"Oh. Do you think he'll bother me again?" Mina asked.

"I don't think so, not after the scare I gave him." Benji said.

"Well being picked up like that, I'd say he's learned for now. By the way why are you here?"

"I wanted to warn you that our enemy might be coming back. I don't really know so I'm going to be leaving you guys for a while."

"Where are you going?"

"To the Land of the Dead, in order to speak with some of my friends there. I have no idea when I'll be back."

"I see."

"The trip there is quite fast, but coming back, I have no idea of what I'll encounter." Benji said.

"Isn't there anything else you wanted to do here?" Mina asked Benji.

"Well........I was just wondering if you'd like to come flying with me tonight?" Benji answered her. Mina smiled and said:

"I'd love to!" Benji held out his hand for her and she took it. In a second she found that she was floating. She squeezed Benji's hand harder and Benji spoke to her gentely.

"Take it easy. I'm not going to let you fall. By the way, that happens to be my hand you're trying to break."

"Oh, sorry." Mina said. She released the pressure some, but held on tight enough for her to know that she wasn't dreaming. They floated over to the window and Mina looked nervous. "You must have lost your mind! I'm still alive and you're a ghost. Only ghosts can fly through things!"

"Not when you're hanging onto me." Benji said and flew right through the window. Mina had closed her eyes and then once she felt the cold air on her face and hands, she opened them. The land was in a carpet of darkness, but because of all the lights, Mina was able to see clearly. They flew over the park and soon were heading down Main street. They were flying over Serenas' house.

"Hey, Benji?" Mina said.

"Yes?" Benji said and looked over to her.

"Do you think Serena might want to come with us?" Mina asked.

"I was thinking the same thing. In fact, I was about to land and ask her if she'd like to join us. You wait in the back yard while I go get her." Benji said and landed on the soft grass of the back yard. Benji floated up to Serenas' room and tapped on her window. When she opened it she was shocked to find that Benji was floating outside.

"Benji what are you doing here?" Serena said.

"I was flying around the city and thought you guys might want to see it from where I see it. Mina's waiting for us down in the back yard." Benji said.

"You mean you can really make humans fly?" Serena said.

"Yep. You want to try?" Benji asked her. Serena looked over to her bedroom door. Down stairs her parents were talking about why she hadn't started on her homework and what they could do to make her pay attention in school.

"Well......oh what the heck! Sure, I'd like to try it! Hang on while I get my jacket." Serena said. She walked over to the closet and pulled out a leather jacket. This she put on and then joined Benji at the window. She took his hand and was airborne in a few seconds. After she had closed the window, they flew down to the ground and then Mina was flying with them. In less than fifteen minutes the entire team was flying with Benji in the middle of the line so that he could channle his energy through each person to keep them in the air. They flew over the park and saw the large swimming area that was being put in. The lumber and concreate piles looked like huge dinosaur bones. They flew over the down-town section of the city and then flew past the Twin Towers, still in repair from the fighting that had taken place there. Everything was very peaceful. Placid. Tranquil. Calm. was so quiet and so beautiful that none of the team wanted that magic moment to end. But it did end and no the way that any of them had wanted it to end. Benji was flying them back towards their homes, when a terrible pain shot up his back.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Benji said and they all plummeted down toward the ground!
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