The Team Ash/Team Puck faceoff

Apr 18, 2010 13:42


Prince of the Unseelie Court. Dark, brooding, cold, dangerous.


Legendary prankster. Playful, devilish, sarcastic, mischievous.

Two sides of the same coin. Once friends, now bitter rivals.

Who is the better faery?

Are you Team Ash or Team Puck? Which of these two handsome fey has your loyalty? And who has the most loyal followers? Find out on Monday, when we host the first TEAM ASH/TEAM PUCK Faceoff. Grab a button here to support your favorite faery, and join the rivalry to see which fey boy reigns supreme. Are you a fan of Puck's endless pranks, wit, and good humor? Or has Ash's cold, brooding warrior nature won your vote? Sound in Monday at the team captain's blogs for the chance to win cool prizes, including a signed copy of The Iron King by yours truly, and a secret prize that will be revealed Monday! Its sure to be a bloodbath...I mean...a good time!

Team captain's blogs

Team Ash
Gail: Ticket to Anywhere
Erica: The Book Cellar

Team Puck
Nicole: WORD for Teens
Stacy: Page Turners

faceoff, team puck, team ash

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