Jun 07, 2008 08:05
A proper update? Perish the thought. What the randomness flow. I had the best customer the other night. She was awesome...awesomely drunk too. We talked about how depressing 26 is, how cool Aviators are, especially vintage pairs from the 70s. She makes electronica music, in French! Je pense qu'il fait chaud dans la maison! And then, right at then end, I got to see her lovelies. I still don't know how it happened, but her entire shirt flew open. Best customer ever. I am wearing a shirt from work. It is sooooooooo awesome! Very retro, and a large. That's right, my ass fit into a large. Fuckin sweet. My titties look fantastic in it too, always a good thing. I tried on another shirt, gorgeous, but the girls didn't fit in it at all. Ah well, c'est la vie. It's like, a billion degrees today. It's supposed to be 90 and really humid. It's already 72 with 84% humidity. My hair is so curly right now, stupid humidity. Ok, ok. I need to get ready for work now....
random stuff