Jun 30, 2006 23:01
10 FA V O R I T E S
TV show: Monk
Flower: Rose
Alcohol: Bud Select
Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Color: Brown
Sport: Martial Arts
Phrase: Pass
Mall: Woodland might be my new favorite!
Music genre: I don't deprive my ears by only allowing one genre.
Food: Duh...Vietnamese!
1 0 L I F E
How's life?: It's going.
Whats your mood right now?: Bored!
What are you doing as we speak?: Playing Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars!
What are you doing over the weekend?: I'm on duty too. BORING. What is there...like 8 people in the building?
What do you want to do with your life?: Graduate!
What color is your life?: Gray.
Where are you right now?: I'm where I'm supposed to be when I'm on duty: trapped! JK. Kind of..
1 0 L O V E L I F E
Have you ever been in love: Yes.
Do you believe in love?: Of course.
Why did your last relationship fail?: I'd rather not say in a public journal.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes.
Have you ever broken someones heart?: Yes.
Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: I've fallen for a close guy friend before.
Are you planning on getting married? Depends.
Are you afraid of committment? I dunno.
1 0 R A N D O M S
One thing sitting next to you: umm...my mouse?
Funny story: So I found out this girl has a crush on a guy...who is DEFINITELY not straight. She asked me if I was sure and I said I've known him since freshman year: does a straight guy wear a shiny blue shirt?! (Do you remember this Jeremy?!)
Do you like the color purple? Sure.
How many cds do you own? Not that much anymore since I'm an iPod owner.
Longest phone conversation?: 6 hours.
What is your most prized posession?: Get back to me on this.
Whos your closest relative? my cousin
If you could go anywhere, where would it be?: Japan. I've always wanted to go there.
1 0 T H I S O R T H A T S
Pepsi or coke?: Pepsi!!
CD or Radio?: CD
Tommy boy or black sheep?: pass...see! I said it!
Saturday or Sunday?: saturday
Single or taken?: single
Colored or black and white?: black and white (like the party! :P)
Phone or in person: depends
1 0 H A V E Y O U E V E R S
Have you ever been caught sneaking out?: Nope (thank God)!
Have you ever fought someone?: No, but I've hit a few people.
Have you ever skinny dipped?: Nope.
Have you ever done something you regret?: Yes.
Have you ever bungee jumped?: Nope.
Have you ever been on a house boat?: Nope.
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? Yup.
Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurts?: Yup.
10 A R E Y O U S
Are you missing someone right now?: Yes.
Are you in love with anyone?: Pass.
Are you happy?: Pass.
Are you talking to anyone right now?: I'm talking to Jake online.
Are you thirsty?: Nope.
Are you bored?: HELL YES
Are you German?: Umm HELLO? TWINKIE HERE.
Are you irish?: see above answer
Are your parents still married?: yuppers
Are you crushing on someone?: sure