May 01, 2009 07:48
i'm so excited, I got into nursing school! Not that it was really in doubt but it was the one thing I was planning the rest of my life on, and now it's really going to happen. I"m nervous about a lot of things, and very excited for a lot of things. I think the next two years are going to be just a crazy as my last month has been. :-P But I'm ready for it!
I can't wait, it's so exciting when things start falling into place and I'm no longer in a rut just doing things to get by until I think of something better. I don't regret the last three years, I did a lot, and grew so much! I like myself a lot more now. I can look back at what I've accomplished with pride. But now I'm going where I want to go, not taking side paths, and I'm going to have a guaranteed job for the rest of my life.
Not all of this is school related, I've been improving a lot of things in my life lately. I really want to be the person I've always wanted to be by the time I graduate with my RN. And while I'm looking forward to the results, I'm also looking forward to the process.
I'll take my sickenly optimistic self out of here now. :)