The Clone Diaries

Mar 22, 2008 11:24

The Clone Diaries

Day One.

Signed for the clone today.  Perfect.  At the age I specified too.  Pure Tabula Rasa here.  Good instincts though a little sexually naive.  Very sweet.  Imagine that some memories carried through but not all.  Wondered if I was that naïve in my 30s.  Probably so.

Handed him the ring.  Said it was too big for his fingers.  Told him it wasn’t for his hand.  Put it against his nose.  Made me laugh.  Tweaked his nose.  He grinned back.  Gorgeous, gorgeous smile.  Imprinting started well.

Clone came uncut.  Wondering now if original is also uncut.  Not sure now if I want to PA him.  Decided I’d make that decision later.  Once trust is established.

Day Two.

Instructions suggest a week for the imprinting and bonding programs.  Didn’t expect delivery so soon.  Will have to use some PTO.  Luckily I have some saved up.  Not a good time at work, but I’m sure they’ll survive.  Told them it was an adoption.

Doc must have just taken a knife to his hair.  Will deal with that and the required tattoo later.  Might cut him too.  So many decisions to make.

Started sex training too early.  Not my fault.  Really.  According to instructions, not supposed to start until imprinting and bonding programs are completed.  I’m sure it will help with the bonding and imprinting though.

Day Three

Exhausted.  Should get early night but clone is much too beguiling.  Begs very nicely.  Big green eyes and all.  Must have had some programming while in the cloning vats.

Showing all proper signs of bonding.  Which is good.

Poor hand writing is due to cuddling clone jostling me.  He likes to cuddle.

Day Four

Decided to start cooking and cleaning program early so I could get an afternoon nap.  Instead, pesky clone decided to explore the library.  Claimed that he thought Kama Sutra was an Indian cookbook.  Not really complaining though.

Ticked off all check boxes in imprinting and bonding tests already.  Will have to do the tattoo soon.  Maybe tomorrow.

Day Five

Tattooed his ass.  Silly boy howled like a baby.  Made it up to him.  Still sulking though.  Decided to put off the hair cut until later.  Scruffy look rather appealing.

Mom called.  She had called the office.  Wanted to know what I adopted.  Told her a new boytoy.  Wasn’t amused.  Told her a new puppy and I was training it.  Didn’t believe me.  Told her I had to go because I was shagging my new boytoy on the kitchen floor.  Definitely not amused.

Boytoy nibbling on me and blowing in my ear throughout phone call.  Pushed him off bed to teach him a lesson.  Fell on the tattooed side of his arse.  Pouted.  Too adorable.  Had to kiss it better.

Day Six

Still pouting and whining his ass hurts.  Used ice cubes.  Stopped the whining dead.  Still pouting though.  Too cute.  Kissed it better.

Cooking and cleaning program going as well as can be.  Refreshed bonding program a little.  Tattooing may have been a little early even though it’s a day one recommendation. Must remember to write YL about that.

Day Seven - Sunday

Rest day.  Took him for a hair cut.  Behaved well.  Tiffany wanted to know where I found him.  He told her that he was a Sean Bean clone.  I about had a heart attack.

Looked up instructions for explaining what he is.  None.

Looked up naming instructions.  Only small foot note:  “Default mode - Sean Bean”

I’d been calling him Sean.  Will have to make sure Sharpe program is not running when I take him to dinner.  Mom’s a snob.

This clone training may be more difficult than I expected.  Fun part about to start though.

Day Eight

Had to go to back work.  Came back to semi-clean house.  Not bad.

According to training instructions, time to note behaviors demonstrated and encourage, discourage, program, re-program, etc.

Enjoys the garden - nice, will have to buy him gardening gloves and tools

Wipes hands on kitchen towels after mucking around in garden - remember to buy gardening towels for him.

Tracks mud into kitchen - cleaning program will take care of that (hopefully).

Not a morning person - is okay.  Neither am I.

Makes a good cup of tea.  Cooking program coming right along.

Likes to cuddle - good

Steals blankets - not good

Whines - not good

Pouts - too cute

Blows nose in shower - must stop immediately!

Care and maintenance instructions discourage cattle prods.

Day Nine

Time to start actual sex training although I think he’s got a jump start.  He found my stash of erotic photography coffee table books and has expressed interest in my camera equipment.  Told him I’d teach him to use it as a reward for completing the sex training properly and scoring highly on the test.

Showed him the course work.  He actually blushed.  So adorable.

Day Ten

Have to stop this blowing of raspberries in inappropriate places IMMEDIATELY.

Day Eleven

Might have to disregard instructions and buy cattle prod.

Day Twelve

Inappropriate raspberry blowing stopped.

May be due to fact that I showed him the PA after dinner.  Picked out a really nice one after work today.  Platinum with a black onyx ball.  He thought it were a handsome little bit too.  Explained what a Prince Albert was while he was twiddling with the ball, spinning it around the ring.  Went pale, gave it back and walked around the rest of evening with his hands in front of his jewels sending me dirty looks.  Took the silly boy to bed.  Told him we’d get it properly done at the doctors.  Turned green but performance improved ten-fold from night before.

Day Thirteen

(There seems to be an attempt to write something on the page but it is illegible.)

Day Fourteen

Rest Day.  Further behavioral observations:

Fast learner - good

Quite trainable - good

Likes watching football - better than basketball I guess.

Likes warm beer and cold Guinness - will have to expand his tastes.  Will have to raid brother’s wine cellar.  He won’t mind.

Still stealing blankets - will have to pin sheets down.

Insists on calling chips “crisps” and French fries “chips” - putting it down to adorableness factor

Other observations:

Blushes easily - must be the blonde coloring - so adorable

Sensitive ears


Doesn’t like ties.  Likes bowties even less.

He wanted to practice for his test tomorrow.  Could not refuse.  Big green eyes and all.  Rainy day anyway.

Day Fifteen

Garden has never looked better.

End of sex training module.  Failed him.  Not happy.  Asked why.  Reminded him of the raspberry blowing that took two days to correct.  Sulked.

Told him we’d just do over and add the food module.  Perked right up again.

Day Sixteen

Grumbled about starting from basics again.  Told him that even Lovelace and Casanova had to start from somewhere.  May have been a bad idea.  Found him in library after dinner looking for the right books.

Advanced concepts might be a little early at this point. Already has a tendency to want to rush through basics.  Likes the kitchen table.  Told him he could bottom.  Pouted that his ass still hurt from tattoo.  Yeah… right.  He just likes to top.

Made sure that all Bean DVDs were in safe.

Day Seventeen

Late to work again.  Not good.  May have to skip ahead to obedience training.

Must remember to buy truffles, whipped cream and honey.  Maybe some candied flowers and check liquor cabinet.  May be out of the Chivas Century Malt and Cordon Bleu.

Day Eighteen

He really wants to pass this time.  May have to start massage program early.  Have to remember to buy massage oil.  Oh, and more truffles.

Day Nineteen

Mom called.  Asked how the puppy training was going.  Told her he was all house broken.  Asked when she’d get to meet him.  Told her when Obedience Program completed.  Sean heard.  Sulked.  Jollied him out of sulks with chocolate module practice.

Day Twenty

Started Massage Program.  My boytoy has nice hands.  Very nice hands.

Day Twenty-One

Rest day.  He found my acrylic paints and old canvases.  Took him to Daniel Smith’s.  He was like a little boy in a toy store and has plans to turn a corner of the library into his studio.  I like that.  Men should have vocations.  Women too.  Mine is keeping my boytoy happy.

Will have to run Paul Sheppard program.

Behavioral Observations:

Has picked up habit of picking me up and snogging me senseless when he doesn’t want to talk.  Not sure yet if that’s good or bad.  Could be bad.  Will have to watch it.

Day Twenty-Two


I may have to call in sick tomorrow.  I need the rest.  Have to teach him to use camera equipment anyway.

Day Twenty-Three

Started obedience program and advanced sex concepts.  Handed him ring I showed him on Day One.  Showed him how it opens and closes.  He put it on his nose.  So adorable.

Showed him where it really went.  Begs very nicely.

Day Twenty-Four

Sean in a bad mood.  Something about Sheffield losing.  Wouldn’t come to bed.  Asked if we needed to repeat last night’s module.  Broke that sulk in a hurry.  Won’t admit he enjoyed it.  Couldn’t find ring anyway.  Probably buried in garden somewhere.  Naughty boy.

Day Twenty-Five

Wanted to know why he had to be bottom.   Told him beginners always bottom.  Wanted to top.  Told him if he could do recipe seventeen in that “Indian cookbook” he could.

He surely tried.  So cute.

Day Twenty-Six

Mom called while I was at work.  Sean picked up and invited her to dinner.  Was in total panic until he picked me up and snogged me senseless then told me to get a shower and make myself all pretty and sweet-smelling again while he finished cooking dinner.  Got snippy and asked if I wasn’t already pretty and sweet-smelling.  Got snogged senseless again.  Didn’t come to senses until we were both in the shower.  He said he decided he was smelly too, from cooking all day.  I don’t stink!

Dinner was a success.  Sean must have asked Mom what her favorite foods were.  Wondered when he learned to make Coq au Vin and Chocolate Mousse and how come he hadn’t made it for me yet.

Mom completely won over and asked where I found him.  Told her he was a clone.  Straight faced.  No lie.  Mom said she’d be grateful if I could find her a Pierce Brosnan one.  If they weren’t too expensive.  Pinched Sean’s bum on her way out.  Look on boytoy’s face… Priceless.

Interesting.  The default mode must learn from the character programming.  That’s good.  I think?

Day Twenty-Seven

Ran Mellors program during day.  Came home to old Mrs. Pemberton at door with plate of cookies.  She approves of my young man.  Never saw my garden look so good.

Seems that my boytoy was frolicking in the garden in the altogether.  She’s never come over with cookies before.

My boytoy, you old hag.  Mine!  Mine!  Muahahaha!

Day Twenty-Eight

Rest Day.  Training almost at end.  Review time.  Thought of running Sharpe program.  Decided not a good idea.  Need him to pass this module.  Not fail.

Has passed most training modules with flying colors

Bonding and imprinting testing perfectly

Very sweet and considerate most times

Hasn’t got a clue others - to be expected in most males so I’m not too worried.

Still steals blankets.

Blows nose in shower when he thinks I’m not in bathroom.  Like I can’t hear him.

Likes to top.  Won’t admit that bottoming can be fun too.

Day Twenty-Nine

Sean wanted to know what I was scribbling every night.  Told him it was his 30-day training journal.  Told him tomorrow was the last day.  He asked if he was getting a reward.  Told him we could play with toys.  Shut up and pretended to fall asleep.  Even snored a little.  Pretended so hard I had him tied up for final test before he knew what was happening.


Day Thirty

Little stinker found the journal!  He’s made notes on every page.  Threatened him with re-programming.  Got snogged senseless.  Wonder where the PA is.

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