Sharpe - Handle with Care

Feb 22, 2008 16:34

Title:  Sharpe - Handle with Care
Characters:  Sharpe, Josefina, Teresa
Rating:  Mature - Explicit sex scenes, some mild S&M
Length:  Short - 2,000 words
Disclaimer:  This is a work of fan-fiction created for entertainment.  It is not the intention of the author to infringe on anyone’s copyright.  i.e.  There’s this phrase “Property of Bernard Cornwell” tattooed on Sharpe’s luscious rear.  I’m just borrowing it.
Setting:  Talevera of Sharpe’s Eagle (TV Movie).
Summary:  An attempt by Josefina to seduce Sharpe results in a new experience for Sharpe when Teresa walks in on them.
Author’s Note:  A scene that could have happened.  Who took care of whom?

Captain Richard Sharpe entered the building where he had rented the Contessa Josefina and her maids a small apartment, climbed the stairs and knocked on the door.  It was not much, but it was all he could afford.  The few gold guineas that Captain Leroy had foisted on him would go only so far, and he worried.  He had more than six months of pay coming to him, but the Army paymaster had yet to arrive in Talevera.

Again, he wondered at Teresa’s words.  “Take care of her, Richard.”  True, she was a woman alone and in need, but what did Teresa see in her, or indeed, in him?  Or was it a test?  Josefina was a beautiful woman.  She was petite, the top of her head coming up to perhaps only his chin, all luscious curves and dark sparkling eyes.  With long lustrous hair that made his hands itch to wind the curls around his fingers… and Teresa would have his balls if he so much as touched her, he reminded himself as he waited.

The door opened and Josefina smiled, “Richard,” she said in her low purring voice.  “Come in.”  It was no hardship to call on her each day while they waited for battle.  She had a way of making him feel welcome and comfortable, and one of her maids was an excellent cook, doing wonders with the meager meats and produce available in the market.  Sharpe stepped in.  He had just come from Sir Arthur Wellesley and was washed, shaved and wearing his best uniform.

“I’m sorry I could not come last evening, Contessa.  I was on patrol.”

“Josefina, Richard.  I’ve made you free use of my name.  That is the least I could do for you.”

Sharpe cleared his throat.  She also always managed to arouse him with just a look from under her lashes.

“You are well?”  he asked.

“I lack for nothing.  You have been very kind.”

“I mean your… well, Berry will trouble you no more.”

Her eyes widened at that and she parted her lips as if to speak, then nodded.

“Thank you,” she murmured as she led him into the apartment.

Sharped looked around.  It was the afternoon hour where many retired from the heat.  Josefina’s maids were not in the apartment and they were quite alone. He cleared his throat again.

“Well, I must be going then.”

“Wait.  Richard, I… I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

He paused.



Stepping up to him, Josefina placed her hands lightly on his chest, tipping her head back to look at him with luminous eyes.  Sharpe looked down and realized that he had a fabulous view of her breasts.  Tearing his eyes away, he repeated himself, “Er… yes.  What is it, Contessa?”

She leaned a little closer, her hands on his chest, reaching up to him.  Sharpe found himself focused on her soft lips.  He seemed to have lowered his head without any volition of his will.

“Josefina.”  She breathed.

“Jo.. Josefina.”  Sharpe repeated obediently.  He could smell the warm womanly scent of her, the slight fragrance of some spice on her breath.  He could feel his body reacting to her nearness.

“I want to thank you.”

Her lips were almost on his.

“For rescuing me from Lieutenant Berry.”

His lips met hers.  Softly.  A gentle caress.  The contact jolted him to his toes.

“It was my duty.”

His voice was hoarse.  Even a little shaken as he tried to keep his hands by his side.

“Then let me make it your pleasure.”

Somehow, he found his arms around her petite body, lifting her to him, his lips on hers.  She was caressing his bare chest and he did not question when or how she had undone his jacket without his knowledge.

He had his hands on her bare breasts.  Her beautiful, sumptuous bare breasts and was about to bury his face in them when the door slammed behind him.  He jumped.  Turning his head shielding Josefina from the intruder with his body.


He dropped the petite woman like a hot coal and turned to face his lover.  Teresa was different from the delicate Josefina like a wild orchid to a hot house rose.  Almost as tall as he was, Teresa was whipcord lean, with long strong legs and small breasts.  She rode a horse better than he and could fire a rifle better than many men.  Right now, she was burning with emotion, her eyes flashing fire.  The riding crop she carried tapped sharply against her boot.

“Uh… this isn’t what you think.  I was... I was…”  Sharpe fumbled to a stop.  It didn’t look good anyway you put it.

“This wasn’t what I meant when I asked you to look after her, Sharpe.”

“I thought you’d already left.”  The moment the words left his mouth, Sharpe groaned.  “No, that’s not what I meant.”

Josefina was smiling.  A tight little smile like the cat caught with the canary still in its teeth.

“I merely was expressing my thanks to Captain Sharpe, Teresa.”

Teresa stepped around Sharpe, snapping at him as she brushed by.

“You’re out of uniform, Richard.”

Sharpe swore under his breath and buttoned up his jacket with shaking hands.  Damn… his body was still humming from that kiss.

Quickfire Spanish followed.  So swift that Sharpe was unable to follow.

“I do not recall giving you permission to have my man, Josefina.”

“I did not ask it, but then I was not taking your man, Teresa.”

Josefina had tidied herself, covering her breasts and stood her ground as Teresa stalked over to tower over her.

“So what were you doing eh?  Just sampling a little?  You may be the highest paid courtesan in all of Spain, but he is still my man.”

Josefina smiled.  “Just a little taste, Teresa, and I was thanking him.”

“For what?”

“For coming to my succor.”

Her eyes twinkled at the angry woman.

“In that case, maybe you should be thanking me.”  Teresa snapped, crowding the smaller woman.


“I was the one that woke Sharpe and sent him to you.”


Her voice a sultry purr, Josefina reached up to Teresa and before she could react, pulled her into a kiss.

“I should be thanking you.”

Sharpe’s mouth dropped open at the sight of Josefina kissing Teresa.

“Josefina!”  he spluttered as the kiss went on.

Teresa tore her mouth from the other woman, trying to control her body and her heartbeat.

“I begin to think that Lieutenant Berry was right.”


Again the naughty twinkle.

“Naughty girls do need to be spanked and put to bed.”

Grasping her upper arm, Teresa dragged her into the bedroom.

Alarmed, Sharpe followed.  “I say… Teresa!”

He was totally unprepared for what Teresa did next.  Pushing Josefina face down on the bed and she flung up her skirts.  Not content with that, she next yanked off her pantlettes.  When Josefina’s bottom was bared, she swung her riding crop.

Josefina squealed and wriggled.

“Oh!  Ow!”

After the first two stripes, she knew Teresa was experienced in wielding a crop.

“Ow!  Oh!  Ow!” She shrieked for good measure.

“I’ll be good.”  She sobbed in English.  “Ow!  I promise!  Oh!  I’ll do anything you say!”

Shocked, Richard strode forward and wrested the riding crop from Teresa’s hand.  Grasping her upper arms, he shook her.

“Bludy ‘ell, Teresa!  What are you doing?”

She wrenched out of his hands and smiled cynically at her lover.

“I am teaching her a lesson.”

Sharpe was at a loss for words.  He turned uncertainly to the woman sobbing on the bed.  “Josefina.  Are you alright?”

Teresa rolled her eyes and pushed him aside.

“Richard, I swear, sometimes…”

She smacked Josefina’s reddened rump.

“She likes it.”

Teresa caressed Josefina’s abused bottom.  “Such a nice ass.”  She squeezed.  “So plump…”

Josefina moaned and Sharpe, already aroused, felt his body grow harder.

“I hardly abused her.  These stripes…”  She squeezed again, “They will be nothing come morning, and you like it, bitch, don’t you?”

“No, no, no.”  Josefina sobbed.


Teresa slid her fingers down Josefina’s butt crack making her squeal and wriggle in protest.  Then between her thighs until she found the tell-tale moisture.

“Ahh… there you are.  Very nice.”

She stroked her, cooing as she did, “That’s right, just the way you like it.”

Josefina rocked against Teresa’s probing, rubbing hand, thrusting her rump into the air.  Sharpe stared, quite unable to believe his eyes, closing his mouth abruptly when he realized he was drooling.

“That’s right, little pussy.  You want to come, don’t you?  Such a good girl.  Perhaps I shall share my man after all.”

Sharpe’s mouth dropped open yet again.

“No, no.  Don’t stop!”  Josefina protested as Teresa moved away.  She was rewarded with another slap to her burning bottom, but Teresa had straightened.  With one hand, she grasped Sharpe’s jacket and hauled him to her.  She touched the fingers slicked with Josefina’s juices to his lips and he thought his body would explode.  She licked his lips.

“Good, yes?”

“Oh God, Teresa.”

His voice was ragged.

“What are you doing to me?”

She smiled and drew him closer.

“Fuck her.”


She laughed and kissed him hard, her hands nimble on his trousers.

“Christ,” he moaned as her fingers found him.  Hard and turgid.

“Go on, darling, she deserves it.  Fuck her.  Do it hard.”

Before he knew what he was doing, Teresa had turned him and he found himself buried deep in Josefina’s hot sheath, his hands grasping her full breasts, his trousers around his knees.  Teresa was embracing him from behind, squeezing his balls and whispering the hottest words he had ever heard in his life in his ear.

He was thrusting hard.  Slamming himself into Josefina’s welcoming body.  Pleasure coursing through him.  Control.  He had to have some control.  He could feel his body shuddering and he tried to withdraw.  That was the least he could do.  He was not wearing a sheath, but sandwiched between the two women, Josefina’s hands grasping his and pressing them around her breasts, Teresa behind him pinning him down, he lost the battle.  His climax taking him shaking and shuddering as he spent himself, long and hard.

“There, there, darling.”

Teresa crooned and rolled him off Josefina and onto his back.  Sharpe groaned.  He had been up half the night on patrol, been shot at, his leg was killing him and just had what had to be the most pleasurable experience in his life.  He could find no energy to lift his eyelids, much less his limbs.


When Sharpe finally opened his eyes again, he realized that he had been stripped and the ladies had gone on without him.  He turned his head and watched, his body recovering faster than it had ever done before.   They were in sixty-nine with Teresa on top.  Her shapely little butt high in the air.  Sharped grinned.  His sword was at attention and he had a mind to wield it in her honor.

The first Teresa realized that Sharpe was awake was his hands grasping her hips.  He was so not interrupting them!  Josefina had a skilled tongue and she was close to her climax.  But her shock soon turned to sharp pleasure as his hard cock filled her.

“Richard!”  she gasped.

Her senses were whirling.  Josefina had not released her, but held her tight, her tongue moving faster as the first tremblings of her climax shook her.  Sharpe was fucking her hard now.  Just the way she liked it.  His hands reached around her body and found her pebble hard nipples and pinched.

“Oh… oh…” she shrieked and struggled.

“Come, darlin’ come for me.”  He growled in her ear and she fractured.  Screaming her pleasure into the warm afternoon sun.

Sharpe drowsed.  Replete.   He had a foolish grin on his face and could not have stopped smiling if his life depended upon it.  His leg hurt like bloody hell but his body felt damned good.  Soft breasts were pillowed on his chest and someone was pressing hot, open kisses on his shoulder, on his neck and the sensitive underside of his jaw.  Hands stroked down his sides.  He shivered.  His arms were pinned down by soft, smooth, feminine weights.  Hard nipples were pressed into his belly.  Hands and lips around his cock.  He moaned.

“What are you thinking?”  someone asked.

He gasped.  “I’ve died and gone to heaven.”


Teresa and Josefina leaned out of the narrow window watching Captain Richard Sharpe limp down the street in the waning light of the day.

“Those pants are sinful.”


“He is very much a man,” said Josefina softly, wistfully.  “You are lucky to have him.”

Teresa snorted.  “He is lucky to have me.”

Looking at her consideringly she asked, “So why do you ask him to protect me?”

Teresa smiled.  “So you try to seduce him and I in turn seduce you, and I can tell my grandchildren that I licked the pussy of the most expensive courtesan in all of Spain.”

Josefina laughed.

fanfic, explicit adult content, sharpe

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