
Oct 25, 2008 21:19

“C’mon guys, this innt funny anymore.”

Silence answered him.  He couldn’t even hear the party anymore and he wasn’t sure where he was.  He’d drunk a bit too much and it seemed to be becoming a bit of a habit these days.  He was losing the buzz and subsequently discovered that he was really bound quite tightly.  He raised his head, trying to peer down the blindfold.  It was a black fabric which managed to block out most of the light.

He tugged again.  His thumbs were locked in some sort of contraption.  What the hell?  He tried to reconstruct the evening.  It was Bruno’s cousin’s friend’s bachelor party.  He and Jimmy had tagged along with Bruno.  There were strippers.  He had followed one up the stairs.  After that was where it had gone all fuzzy.  His buddies had been there.  There were jokes.  Pound notes exchanged.  And now… now, he was bound.  Hand and foot.  Still in tee-shirt and jeans, but his feet were bare, his thumbs locked together behind him, around the back of a chair and his eyes blind-folded.

He heard the peculiar sound of a door opening, letting in the sound of laughter and music, then shutting it out again.  He turned towards it.


A low sexy chuckle answered him.

“No, not quite.”

The hair on the back of his neck rose as he sensed the woman walk toward him.  A hand cupped his chin and lifted his head, turning it this way and that.

“Hmm… not bad.”

“What the hell?”

The hand slapped him lightly.


He swore and was struck full across his mouth for his trouble.

“Look lady.”  His blood was up.  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re…”

He never finished the sentence as his face was gripped hard, the hand squeezing his cheeks in.

“Rather brave aren’t you?  For a chap that needs a favor from me.”

She forced the truth of his situation on him.  He took rapid stock and re-evaluated.  When he was released, he spoke again.

“Why don’t you just let me go?  I’ll not press charges.”

The low chuckle caressed his senses again.

“And what will you do for me if I do?  Hmmm?”

He licked his lips nervously.  This really wasn’t funny anymore.

“What do you want?  Money?”

The hand speared through his hair and jerked his head backwards.

“Ouch!  Watch the hair!”

The voice hissed close to his ear now.

“Don’t insult me sugar.  You won’t like it if you do.”

She finished off the threat by biting the lobe of his ear.


He felt his body’s unwitting response as she soothed the bite by sucking the lobe.

“What’s your name, sugar?”

She didn’t know who he was?  His heart pounded.

“Mark.”  He answered cautiously and then asked in turn.  “Who are you?”

She laughed again, the low silky tones sliding over his frayed nerves.  She had moved back but now straddled his thighs.  She slid her arms around his neck and he felt her fingers brushing his neck and scalp.

“Your worst nightmare… or perhaps… your darkest fantasy.”

“Did… did Jimmy and Bruno put you up to this?”  His voice was hoarse even as his body reacted to her actions and her words.  He could smell the light perfume she wore.  Floral with spicy overtones.  It smelled like sex.

“Is that who I have to thank for my present?”  Her voice was amused now.  “They could have wrapped it up better.  Or better yet, left it unwrapped.”

Her arms left his neck and he could feel her leaning away.  The snick of a blade being opened made him jump.

“No need to worry honey.”  The voice purred as the blade caressed his neck.

“I’m careful with my toys.”

“Jesus…”  he moaned

“I suggest you stay very still.”  The voice purred.  A hand caressed his neck, pulled the neckline of his tee shirt away from his body.  He felt the blade slide in against his skin, then as it slid downwards and outwards, he could feel the material part.  He swallowed hard as she pushed the two halves of his tee-shit off his body and down his arms.


His curiosity got the better of him.  He had to ask.

“What?”  Was that his voice?  He sounded so hoarse.

“You have nice arms.”

“Heh.”  He snorted in nervous laughter and grinned.  “Thanks.”

“Which means…”

He yelped as he felt the knife rip one sleeve, then the other off.

“Jesus!  Careful with that!”

“Always, sugar.  Always.”

The blade traveled down his chest now, making him shiver in reaction.  Down to his belly.  Pressed against his groin.  He hoped it were her hand and not the knife blade.  His blasted body was getting excited.  Getting excited?  Who was he kidding?  He was bloody hard.

The snick of the blade closing made him realize he had been holding his breath.  He released it slowly.  Caught it again in a gasp when her nimble hands undid the button on his jeans, slid the zipper down and slid within.

“Hello there, sugar.  Wanna play?”

“Oh God…”

The low throaty chuckle wreathed through his senses.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

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