Mabon 13

Sep 22, 2013 13:50

Another turning of the Wheel and another celebration. Even though dawn wasn't visible this morning I knew when it was suppose to come up so dawn rites went off as smoothly as I could make them. Let's see what the cards have to say for the next part of the cycle shall we?

East- Sow (C) Open yourself to the nourishment of the Goddess. She is in all things if you pay attention. Do not over think this connection. Just BE.

South- Wolf (C)R It's time to come to a better relationship with your sense of aloneness in the world. There will be a time for companionship and a time to be solitary. Recognize those times and come to terms with them.

West- Bull (C)R Ask yourself how motivated you are to do things? There is nothing more stubborn than a bull who doesn't want to move. Not moving is telling you something.

North- Horse (C) REconnect with the earth. Open yourself to the sun and the sky and embrace the joy of simply being in touch with all living things.

Center- Raven (C)R You must come to terms with destruction. Endings are important so that beginnings may occur. You must also come to terms with the darkness inside you. Only in accepting it can you overcome it and make yourself whole.

Now there is some pretty interesting mojo happening. Looks like the dark time of the year begins with some serious inner working.

mabon 13, horse, sow, bull, raven, wolf

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