Mar 11, 2012 21:44
March?? WHen the hell did that happen? On the bright but scary side we will have a week of temperatures warm enough to open the house and clean the dickens out of it. Anyway let's see what the cards have in store for me this week.
First card-
Beaver (NA)- Beaver is here to tell you it's time to finish that project you have been putting off or put your ideas into actions. Look for alternative solutions to problems. Work around those blocks in your path this week.
interesting. It's almost like the cards think I am a procrastinator. hmm...
Second card
Ram (C)(R)- ALthough you enjoy competing you may be called to make a sacrifice this time. Letting go is sometimes the best way to let in good things. Alternately, if you are hitting a wall maybe the thing to do is look for ways around it instead of hitting your head against it. Try and remember roadblocks serve a purpose.
Ouch. double whammy. got it.
*shit, i just realized there are two things I need to get started on. One to start and one to finish. Curse you accurate divination you tricky thing you.
anima cards