Passed on from zanna_voodoo

May 15, 2008 07:59

The rule is simple: Don't use the same answers as the person you swiped it from.

1. Name something a claustrophobic person should not get into:
a monogamous relationship

2. What one thing does a woman spend the most time on when getting ready to go on a date?

3. What is a Spanish word that everyone knows the meaning of?

4. Name something in your bathroom that you leave plugged in all the time?
clock radio

5. Besides golfers, what is something you see on a golf course?

6. Name a household chore you actually enjoy:

7. Name something you walk out on:
front lawn

8. Name a place where you see nervous people:
Death Row

9. Name something that can be cherry flavored.
Rita's italian ice

10. Complete this phrase: "I’ll never forget my first _____":

11. Name another word for "Dad":

12. Name another word for "Mom":

13. Name something a married couple might want to have 2 of:

14. What is the first part of a person’s body to lose the war with gravity?

15. Name something that is sold by the bunch:
panties (at least, I tend to get mine in a bunch)

16. What age would you retire if you had enough money?
50, maybe

17. Name something you find on a kitchen table:
a cat who knows better and doesn't care

18. Name something that rhymes with “dizzy”:

19. Tell me how many people you kissed last New Year’s Eve:
can't remember, dammit

20. Name something you see in a jail cell:
Dubya's future

21. Name a month with 31 days:
I shall call it Benuary.

22. Name an occupation where you might work all night:


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