Memery is the sincerest form of boredom

Nov 09, 2006 06:34

A - Available: If turtlebat23 approves of you. She was there first and she takes pride in being a pretty good judge of character.
A - Age: 32
A - Alcohol: Ethanol, please. 1996 Beringer Private Reserve Chardonnay, if you can find some.

B - Best feature: I sure hope it's not my singing voice.
B - Beer: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout
B - Birthday: August 25

C - Crush: Jian Ghomeshi
C - Candy: Lindt 85%-cocoa chocolate
D - Day or night: It's 6AM when I'm writing this, you figure it out.
D - Dream Car: Something needing almost no maintenance or gas.
D - Dream Relationship: Relationship, singular? Though I do think dragonbane has a point.

E - Egg nog: Ew.
E - E-mail: One of the first things I do in the morning.

F - Favorite Color(s): Cobalt blue, silver, and shiny black like Guildenstern's fur.
F - Favorite Band: Brown Derbies, if I have to pick just one. I mostly listen to mashups and a cappella.
F - Favorite Food: I'm not sure I have one.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Doesn't matter to me.
G - Giver or taker: I could go either way.

H - Height: Six three, six four, somewhere in there. Depends on my posture.
H - Happy: Often.
H - Heads: I always thought of it as a mass noun, but either way...

I - Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip, unless it's green. Stay away from green mint chocolate chip ice cream and green key lime pie and you'll never go too far wrong.
I - Instrument: I know my way around a keyboard, but I think my voice is better than my skills on any external instrument.
I - Idol: My mom. When people ask me what religion she is, I say "saint".

J - Jewelry: None. We spent hundreds on a wedding ring to replace one my dad lost, and then I managed to lose it. I might find it when we're moving, but if not, I'm thinking it just wants to stay lost.
J - Job: Technologist (systems librarian)
J - Jail: Went there on a field trip. No, really.

K - Kids: Never, and I've got the tiny scar to prove it.
K - Kickboxing or karate: Walking away. If necessary, running away.
K - Kindergarten: Combined with first grade. When I got bored with kindergarten stuff, I did the first-grade work too. Went from K to 2.

L - Longest Car Ride: Two weeks of driving punctuated by occasional walks around campus.
L - Lust: Constantly.
L - Love of your life: My heart is a timeshare with no occupancy limit. (And it's also a four-chambered blood pump. Metaphor has its limits.)

M - Meat: No thanks. I'm not militant, though, and have cooked a reportedly very tasty turkey for Thanksgiving.
M - Most missed person: Who could pick?
M - Movie Last Watched: I don't know. It's been a while.

N - Number of Siblings: One (mattyo3000).
N - Number of Tattoos: None.

O - One wish: Effortless learning.
O - One regret: That a certain someone is so strictly monogamous, and yet loves me so much, that she'd never actually get involved with me.

P - Part of your appearance you like best: A wryly arched eyebrow.
P - Perfectionist: Pshaw.

Q - Quick or Slow: Quick, I guess.
Q - Quick..something random: LET X = RAND(0)

R - Reason to smile: Coffee.
R - Reality TV Shows: Aptly misnamed.
R - Random...What do you think of when you think about sex? Women, mostly.

S - Song Last Heard: Some sort of Harry Potter filk, no doubt.
S - Season: to taste.
S - Shoes: Skechers

T - Time you woke up: 5:40am
T - Time you went to bed: 11pm
T - Time Now: 6:26am
T - Time for bed: Probably.

U - Unpredictable: a rather important quality of a one-time pad.
U - Underwear currently: none.

V - Vegetable you love: Fresh spinach with shredded carrots, julienned jicama, and some soft crumbly cheese.
V - Vacation: Great, now I've got that song stuck in my head.
V - Virgin: The other white meat.

W - Worst habit: Forgetting what not to say or do.
W - Where are you gonna travel next? Oldsmar, in about half an hour.
W - Weather: Ideally, high 60s, low 70s, and sunny, with rain at night to keep it all green.

X - X-tra special someone: Everyone who voted.
X - X-rays: 1 nanometer, give or take an order of magnitude

Y - Year it is now: Worst. Survey. Question. Ever.
Y - Yellow: The color key lime pie SHOULD be.

Z - Zodiac: Full of hot air, especially in summer. But they'll keep you afloat, which is more than a horoscope will.
Z - Zany: Sometimes, yes.


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