Random quiz meme

Feb 24, 2006 14:11

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Post your results.
1) What is madam_sosostris's favorite movie? Gladiator
2) What exotic animal would jitterbug5bi5 like as a pet? A dragon, or perhaps a ferret.
3) What would pappy74 do differently in your shoes? How would he get into my shoes?
4) What planet should frannyan be from? It appears to be an ice world of some sort.
5) Are rancourt and pappy74 going out? No.
6) What would blakkablakka give h_postmortemus for his/her birthday? She doesn't know him.
7) Have you ever dated toadbarracuda? No, but he IS cute...
8) Is fatally_yoursx dead sexy? Hell yes.
9) Has bethlynn been to your house/dorm? No, but I've been to hers.
10) Does cbustapeck have a big secret? If so, he hasn't told me.
11) Is cadrys introverted or extroverted? I'm not really sure.
12) Has songdancer dyed their hair? Not that I know of.
13) If kittykatkatja and rancourt were siamese twins, where would they be joined? At the brain. They're two of the smartest people outside of my family.
14) Would you wrestle cadrys in jello? No, he'd kick my butt.
15) Where did you first meet loucheroo? In the common area of a mixed-sex dormitory.
16) Is tealfroglette a nerd? Yes, in a good way.
17) Would you set up daveyp and blakkablakka? I think Briony would object to that! (But I'd be willing to console her.)
18) tealfroglette's hair color? Brown
19) Do you have a crush on songdancer? Um, a little bit of one, yeah. She's got a very pretty brain, and last I checked she has long hair, which is a plus for me.
20) One quality you find attractive in kiarrh? Her budgeting ability
21) Does vixi drink? Do fish swim?
22) What song/movie would you recommend to cbustapeck? Desk Set, though I'm sure he's seen it.
23) How long would tally_cat dating tiger_stripes last? About -- never mind, they would have just broken up. They're both alpha kitties. :)
24) Are jitterbug5bi5 and loucheroo going steady? No, but I'd bet that neither would object to that idea.
25) If frannyan was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Runescape Newbie Man.
26) What is pinkhotel allergic to? visiting Tampa, more's the pity ;)
27) Does caligatia do drugs? By prescription only. She doesn't need recreational drugs.
28) Would cbustapeck be a better ninja or pirate? Ninja.
29) What video game does jitterbug5bi5 remind you of? One of the Buffy video games, probably.
30) If cbustapeck commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Librarians everywhere.


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