Thanks to Vorpal

Aug 19, 2005 13:55

Type "[myname] is" into google and find interesting results.

Meaning-Raised; he who pardons
(Bow before ye whom shall pardon thee)

A legal brother of Jesus Christ was named Joseph (after his father) (Matthew 13:55). He was also called Joses in Mark 6:3).
(I am the brother of the son of god. So god would be what? My step-father? Half-father maybe? *gets heady from the divine goodness*)

The brother of James the Lesser (Mark 15:40, 47) was named Joses . Their mother was Mary, the wife of Cleopas.

Joses was the original name of Barnabas (Acts 4:36). He was also called Joseph.

An accounting service.

Joses Noodle factory in Guelph, Ontario.

The Joses speculate that Danny is on top of other things as well.

Has united the JosEs by unofficially making his finished basement public.

The JOSES workshop is held at the 700 year old University of Genova

Joses Magic Man. ... Joses Magic Man is a great Non-Pro Horse! Joses Magic Man is capable of pulsing all his manuvers.
(Well, now. If that isn't a glowing review I don't know what is!!!)

Bad to the Last Drop,
Mayhem in Make Believe
Gold in a muddy river
Joses was working alone, fitting a new handle on a scythe

The Doctor uttered an impatient ejaculation and turned to Joses
("Why Mr.Doctor, I didn't know you cared.")

Diskussionsforum rund um das Thema Wein
the observers of the burial
judgement delivered
strain gets some

joses loves the cock
(well, DUH!!!!)

There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very....
(And I stopped reading that line RIGHT THERE!!!)

Matt won the title riding Joses Still Smoking.

He that forgives.

Incidentally Joseph in Greek is Joses, and a Joses was one of Mary's sons and
... (unless Joses is a variation of Jesus and so Joses means Jesus himself). ...


I cannot even tell you how many refences to the bible there was in that.
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