Just got home from prerelease. Kicked ass and took names. Finished the Swiss rounds in 6th place (out of 50 participants), then marched through the single-elimination top 8. Didn't actually play out the finals, as the other guy and myself were more interested in just getting the hell out of there (semifinals ended at quarter after one in the morning). So we split the prize; I now have 27 booster packs of Conflux, the newest Magic expansion. I unfortunately was not allowed to convert my winnings into store credit, which is what I really wanted to do ($108 of credit would cover my entry into tournaments there for, like, forever, especially with my usual policy of converting Constructed winnings into store credit rather than packs).
Funny thing is, my deck honestly wasn't that good. Solid, yes, but not particularly noteworthy. I spent lots of time just beating down with 2/2's.
EDIT, later:
2 Nacatl Savage, Nacatl Outlander, Knight of the Skyward Eye, Druid of the Anima, Cylian Elf, Aven Trailblazer, Gluttonous Slime, Matca Rioters, Incurable Ogre, Sarkhan Vol, Bloodpyre Elemental, Welkin Guide, Beacon Behemoth, Spearbreaker Behemoth, 2 Ridge Rannet, Fiery Fall, Dark Temper, 2 Branching Bolt, Oblivion Ring, Skeletonize, Naya Panorama, Savage Lands, 7 Forest, 6 Mountain, 2 Plains
So, anyone want to do a triple Conflux booster draft? Entry would be free, although I'd be keeping the contents of all of the packs...