A quasi-open letter to the politicians/political interest groups/advocates/awareness experts/etc who love to send me e-mail.
A Disclaimer: I am a die-hard liberal, in that "liberal" more aptly describes my viewpoints than "conservative." In truth, I would be more of a Communist, except that I recognize the inherent problems and difficulties which surround communism. To somewhat clarify, I will call myself "Commune-centric."
Hi. You don't really know me, but I'm sure I fit somewhere on the graph you probably have hanging behind your desk somewhere. Probably in the largest group. See, I'm what you might call average. I don't mean to say that I'm not special (you know, like everyone else), but that I am most likely not in any minority group. At least not the ones you care about. I receive, on average, about 30 e-mails a day from various groups who all have my best interests at heart. Now, I am glad to read about the progress that has been made in advancing our society, and get angry at the latest smear campaigns launched by those with less common sense, but I am starting to become frustrated with you.
See, if I were to give oh, say $5.00 every time it was asked of me (and the requests typically start at closer to $25), I would be donating more money than I make in the average year. It can be difficult to maintain my illusion that you guys are really out for the greater good of the world when every communication has that little knife twist about giving every last cent I can.
Seriously, I understand that you guys stop operating without contributions, but I have to prioritize things like my car payment, bills, rent, etc. first. So, here is my proposal on fixing this little conundrum. It will take someone willing to make a pretty hefty sacrifice, but it might be worth it. Create a think-tank group that espouses "conservative" ideals. Get the conservatives pouring money into your think-tank. As quietly as possible, have the ring leader of this think-tank get a diagnosis of severe bat-fuckery in the cranial region from a well-established, conservative, psychiatrist/psychologist. Keep this under wraps, and have this think-tank pay our martyr Handsomely for his devoted service (oh, you already noticed the capital 'h" - good for you). Then, this gentleman turns around and makes massive contributions (both through the think-tank, and personal funds) back into the coffers of more deserving parties. Then, for icing on the cake, have your crackpot conservative "exposed" in an embarrassing way that both mocks, and questions the very ideals of the conservatives who had so stridently supported our mole.
What? Too underhanded for you? Guess what - that's what they do. See, that's (basically) the whole idea behind big business. It's not just that conservative ideals are good for big business, it's that big businesses are owned by conservatives. So, if you have a company that takes money from everyone and puts it into the hands of just a few men, those few men will do everything they can to hold onto that money. As long as that money is in those hands, it is wasted. If these people that have millions, billions, trillions, etc. dollars actually spent their fortunes - put the money back into circulation as it were - we wouldn't be in the fucking gigantic economic cluster fuck we are currently seeing.
So how about this for gits and shiggles: Cancel all debt. Force banks to zero out all credit card balances, mortgages, unsecured lines of credit, et al. Reset the economy in a BIG way - then let's see where our ingenuity can take us from there.
For more crackpot schemes, feel free to
e-mail me!