So this is what the volume nob is for...

Apr 18, 2006 17:14

Peoples creativty has been what's hot for me in the last 24 hours.

Yesterday evening I recorded the vocals and guitar for "Wagon Seal Train", a song by the fictional band Sentence Fragment (which I founded) to go in an episode of the Polcheck Chronicles. The first part of the episode "Totally Fragged", featuring the band and myself, is already online ( and this song shall be part of the second part, due up soon.  The recodring went well and Darryl and I are now planning to try to play live at somepoint as Sentence Fragment, hopefully teaming up with those who have played band mambers in the past - Katie, Sean and maybe Will if he's not too musically busy.  Must talk to them at some point.  That would be fun, playing an MYC band night or some such and getting the Polcheck fan club to come along, make out like we've been a band for ages.  Hurrah.

After that I went out and saw the Mountain Goats out at the Annandale Hotel.  They are very brilliant and intelligent.  One gets that impression from the fact that they do things like tital songs "Hast thou considered the tetrapod" and never mention the word tetrapod but do end the song with the lines "One of these days I'm going to wriggle out on dry land".  They confirmed their intelligence when the onyl permenant member (the singer/guitarist called John something or other) laughed about how reviewer had misquoted the following line from "Up the wolf".  "Our mother has been absent ever since we founded Rome, but there's going to be a party when the wolf comes home" became "...ever since we had to roam...".  He never pointed out why that was funny but you got the impression most people got it.

Finally, today I finished read the "His Dark Materials" trilogy.  So very brilliant even though the ending seemed to have a couple of plot holes (though maybe I just got lost as it took me a year to read).  I'm very poorly read so finishing a thousand pages of brilliance is rare for me.  I'm really dissapointed it had to end there, even though ti ended so well.  I wanted the story to continue, to find out what became of the various charecters (mainly the ones from this world who were left so vague) but I suppose putting stuff liek that in would just drag and take awy from the beutiful literative ending.  Such is the way of writing.  For the first tiem I'm slightly inspired to write fan fiction.  I should look to see if any HDM fan communities exist.  I shall do that once my current quest is finished.  That I can't be bothered writing about, but it's lovely and noble and political.
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