Title: Quest (unbeta)
Warning: explicit content, gory violent, entirely not suitable for the maliable-minds. Ah, and homosexual or bisexual in nature!
Rain beating down heavily and for once, Elric was grateful for the freezing drench. For at least, the cold dampen the stench around him. The stench of human and organic waste, for things rotting. The stench of poverty. Although the down side of such benefit is him being constantly pelted with the harsh rain.
He had trailed his target for the last two weeks to confirm the target identity was indeed the correct one. His target this time was a princess on the run for help to the allied kingdom. He, of course was hired by her enemy's force to make sure that she'll never succeed or see the light of days ever again.
They had cleverly employed a Blinder to shield her presence from magic as well as disguising her along with four other pairs all heading in different directions heading toward the same goal. The difficulty lied in the fact that all of them looks nothing like the precious princess and her loyal guard. But Elric have his ways.
Since he decided to craved out a name for himself in blood, he doesn't careless about the scrupple people have with morals and other senseless oddity, he long made a contract with the Dark Lord. A contract that promised his soul to the Dark One at the end of his life time on this earth. He also has sworn to serve Niquola, the hedonistic Lord of Death, in life. The proof of his serving etched on to his skin every time he made a kill with a Sku knife. Her dark marks covered half of his face, down his neck, run down to cover his back and chest, and threatened to cover his genital and buttocks. Gradually they would cover his entire body and at last all of his face. Then he would joined her rank of Assasin Prists. Currently there are only twelve in the world. Not a very popular occupant for the strain of her lust they must bear. She who lord over death, is master of them all.
And as so, the darkness in him fed on the light of life around him like a faithful over excited pup. He slipped through the flimsy illusion easy enough. The face beneath matched, yet one can never be too careful.
So here he is, crouching beneath his target window and waiting for the flickering light above him to die. At last the light went out, like a phantom, he scalded the wall up to the roof, and dangled down to the window. With a practiced ease, he send out his eager pet and let it gobble up the light from the ward of the window. With that done, he lifted the lock, opened the window to small crack, and let in a slender wisp of toxic smoke from a slender stick of incense. Once half of the incense was gone, he closed the window again. Lifted himself back on top of the roof, he waited again before entering the room to make sure of his kill.
When half a candle mark gone, he opened the window again this time big enough for him to pass through. Dropping down into the room as light as a shadow, he check the guard first who was sleeping on a palet in the corner. As he approaches the guard, he footfall light as a cat notice with a narrow eyes that the guard had his head turned a bit into the pillow. An alarm goes off inside his head but then it was too late. The guard eyes snapped opened, a pair of golden eyes watches as his body fallen down from the blow from the back.
When he regains consciousness he realizes right away that he wasn't tied down. The blasted princess seated on the bed staring at him and the guard just sits there on a chair with his arms crossed regarding like he posted no threat to them. Fools that they are. He still have a dagger in his boot.
Before they can even realize what happened, the princess already dead. His dagger imbedded between her delicate brows, rivulets of blood running down her porcelain skin . And just as fast, he was backhanded and lying on the floor. Spitting out the blood in his mouth, his eyes narrowed at the look of fury in the guard's face.
"Get up swine!" A harsh command was growled out.
To his utter amazement he followed. "What have you done to me?"
"I made you my Journey Servant." The guard sneered.
Elric face paled, “Why?” Then he remembers those sneering golden eyes snapped opened. “You were expecting me. How?” He gritted out.
Grief crossed those cruel golden eyes, “You killed her. You will never know.”
Fury consumed Elric. Here he is, trapped to be some guard’s dog, going on some unknown quest, and the bastard refused to tell him anything. They cast the spell Journey Mate on him. Made him the Servant to the guard Master, they only way for the spell to lift is to let it run its course; meaning to complete the journey. He have no idea what and to where as nothing make sense anymore. The princess should have been his Master, they’re journey should have been to Maru seeking aid. But the princess wasn’t his Master and she was dead.
“We’re heading out at dawn.” With that, the guard moved the body on the bed. Tenderly stroke it cheek then covered it with the blanket. The guard curled up in the corner of the room, eyes closed and remained unmoving for dawn to comes. Resigned to his unknown fate, Elric slept.