Mar 20, 2011 20:29
To anyone who might still read my journal. I have changed my name from rosyshimmer to sylvan_dweller. There were a number of reasons for this, which I will iterate now:
1. I created the name "rosyshimmer" when I was 16 as an AIM username. At the time it represented my eternal optimism, which I have since lost. I see it as a symbol of my youth, something I have since left behind. I will always remember that time of my life fondly, but I think now that I have left college and my parents home and am supporting myself in the real world, its time to embrace a more adult frame of mind and identity. (At some point I will grow out of using run-on sentences)
2. Over the years, "rosyshimmer" has almost become synonymous with my actual identity, a fact that keeps me from expressing myself the way I want to on this journal. My new name gives me a certain measure of anonymity that I hope to utilize in order to express my true feelings and opinions without fear of intrusion or recriminations.
3. Although I check my friends page on a regular basis, I don't feel that I am contributing to the conversation as much as I would like. I'd like to change that I feel that the name change will give me a fresh start. I like fresh starts.
Why "sylvan_dweller"? For starters, I am quite literally moving to the woods. In May, I will leave my current situation in modern suburbia and I am moving to the site of an old 19th century hotel where the owner rents out the various different cottages and row houses as apartments. It is marvelously groovy, with a number of like minded liberal tenants and a certain philosophy of green and simple living. I can't wait until May.
Also, it's a sly reference to a quote from Henry David Thoreau:
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
My mother taught me that quote when I was very young and it has always had a very special place in my heart. It reminds me that all the modern technology and conveniences can not hold a candle to the amount of "living" one can do by taking a simple walk in the woods. (I.E. Sometimes its okay to just step away and take a deep breath)
It also reminds me that my job is not my life. That I am more than I GIS Analyst. That I am a knitter, a reader, a hiker, a writer, a doll lover, a singer, a dreamer, a cellist, a gourmet, and an amateur historian. That I can have pretty nails and high heel shoes, work in a highly technological field, and still be a comfortable rustic. That it is okay that I am 30 years old and finally starting to live on my own.
I am claiming my life. I hope you will join me. :
new beginnings,
sylvan dweller