Every once and a while, you have to step back and appreciate what's in your life. Like family. And friends. And Guinness. (<- in that order. *^.^*)
For example: Family. My sister Michy and I got on this totally random conversation as to who would make a kick-ass English prof. We both agreed that if Tolkien was still alive, we'd kill to be in his class. (*^.^*) Then, Michy started talking about Frank McCourt (she's a complete fangirl, I swear…) and how his courtship/seduction of a girl with TB in Angela's Ashes was the first "book-porn" she'd ever read. The following dialogue ensued:
Sylva: Really? Hey - didn't Byron have a thing for girls with TB?
Michy: Yeah - because it made them all pale and waif-y. Like a sugar cookie. (*^_^*)
Sylva: ... (o_0) Um, I think you mean "wafer-y." The cookies, not the girls.
Michy: But they could die really easily, right? So, they're like sugar cookies!
I apologize to anyone with TB or has a relative with the disease. (>.<) But we laughed for like five minutes straight. "Sugar cookies" will never be the same.
Friends: Herr N. sent me an awesome essay written by George Orwell back in 1946 about "Politics and the English Language" and how politicians should be ax-murdered for being complete sleaze-hounds with the English language. (No, he didn't say that, but he was pretty pissy). He made valid points about the overuse of multi-syllabic words and clichés, but I think his snarking about the use of Latin-based words was unnecessary. Anyway, Herr N. always sends me cool articles like that. Makes me feel smart. (I scored 1.5 out of 5 on "Orwell's Five Rules of English," by the way…)
Guinness: This should be a "duh."
Went out and bought discs one and two of Avatar. The people who write for it RULE! I'm going to go through my Encyclopedia of Mythology just to find all the allusions to various Asian lore they use. (*^.^*) *sylva hums like the happy lore-geek that she is*
And now, the Fanart:
Because I love cliches, despite what Orwell says. *headdesk* Cross-posted at