SPN-J2 Big Bang 2021 - The Long Road Home

Jul 21, 2021 11:14

Title: The Long Road Home

Author: sylsdarkplace

Artist: tx-devilorangel

Pairing: Sam/Dean

Rating: Explicit

Word count: ~57k

Summary: Three years after the Woman in White case, Sam Winchester has just graduated from law school and is about to embark on a career and marriage. That’s when Dean unexpectedly shows up and tells him that John has found that Mary was killed by demons and they are after Sam. Except, Sam is sure that demons don’t exist and John’s story doesn’t add up. An unexpected hunt sets off a chain of events that has the brothers crisscrossing the country in search of answers that are neither expected or welcome.

Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Brief non-explicit Sam/Jess and Sam/OC, secondary character deaths, explicit sex, not John friendly.

Notes: Thank you to my lovely artist tx-devilorangel and wonderful beta fufaraw. Y’all make me better!

Fic Link: AO3

Art Links: LJ AO3

not john friendly, secondary character death, wincest

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