Well, everyone else seemed to be taking cute little quizes, so I suppose I should too... you're a bat Kat? (lol, rhymes... so fun) Try being a penguin...
src="http://www.quizdiva.net/penguin.jpg" alt="penguin" width="150" height="150" border="0">
Your Sexual Power Animal is a Penguin!
Choosy, selective, and monogamous.
Not only are you picky when it comes to sex.
You tend to stick with the same partner for a long time
And since you're so picky, it takes a lot to get you
Once you're impressed, then you'll put out
http://www.quizdiva.com/poweranimalquiz.html"> size="+1">What's Your Sexual Power Animal? More'>http://www.quizdiva.com/">More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Try that on for size! I like this one though... kinda makes you feel special...!
src="http://www.quizdiva.net/romantic-kiss.jpg" alt="romantic kiss" width="150" height="150" border="0">
You Are a Romantic Kiss!
You are an idealist, and unsurprisingly, you give the ideal kiss
Your kiss causes almost anyone to fall in love with you
And to be honest, you need to be falling a little to let your lips loose
No biggie… your kiss is worth the wait :-)
http://www.quizdiva.com/typekissquiz.html"> size="+1">What Type of Kiss Are You? More'>http://www.quizdiva.com/">More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
hmmmmm..... never thought about his one before -
src="http://www.quizdiva.net/sweet-talker.jpg" alt="sweet talker" width="150" height="150" border="0">
Your Seduction Stye: "Sweet Talker"
Your seduction technique can be summed up with "charm"
You know that if you have the chance to talk to someone...
Well, you won't be talking for long! ;-)
You're great at telling potential lovers what they want to hear
Partially, because you're a great reflective listener and good at complementing
The other part of your formula? Focusing your conversation completely on the other person.
Your "sweet talking" ways have taken you far in romance - and in life
You can finess your way through any difficult situation, with a smile on your face.
Speeding tickets, job interviews... bring it on! You truly live a *charmed life*
http://www.quizdiva.com/seducerquiz.html"> size="+1">What Kind of Seducer Are You? I could post soooooo much more... but then I'd be here all night... maybe I'll do more laters...
As for now...
Peace out ~ Goodnight