Oct 26, 2006 22:02
So it appears that I haven't updated in quite some time...December of last year to be exact. So I'll try and sum up the last year very briefly.
Christmas was uneventful from what I can remember. I got a promotion in January within the bank and ran my own branch for over 3 months until I was given a branch manager. I was then transferred to Kate's branch, where I stayed until September. You'll get to hear details of that later on.
In February, Russ agreed to let me foster a cat. His name was Rico, and he was a very skittish, possibly feral cat. He loved to be pet, but would attack you if you tried to hold him or if he felt like you had cornered him. Russ now has scars on one of his wrists to prove how out of control that cat could get. After a few weeks, it seemed like we were making progress, he'd come out to see me, even purr for me. Then, out of nowhere, Rico got a UTI that they couldn't fix, so we had to have him put down. It was horrible. I've since educated myself on feline UTI's so I can try and prevent them in any way shape or form. If you have a cat and you don't know much about it, I encourage you to look in to it. They can strike without notice and for some cats, like Rico, their kidneys can shut down in a matter of hours.
I was so distraught when we put Rico down that Russ actually got me a kitten. Her name is Sophie, and she's a beautiful black cat with yellow eyes. She's the clumsiest cat I've ever seen. She tries to jump and misses her mark all the time. She tries so hard though! She's an incredibly little cat, 9 months old now and still only a few pounds, but she doesn't know how small she really is. She attacks Doodle all of the time, she thinks she's his size, it's very amusing to watch.
In April, we bought our house! It's a big old victorian in Schenectady, with a big backyard that has pear trees! It's very big, which is good considering how many people live here now! Mel moved in with us in May, and Lindsay moved in in June. There was a lot of painting going on and a lot of adjusting to it not being just me and Russ, but now it just kind of seems like we're some kind of weird, mammal loving family.
May, June, July all passed, nothing big to talk about I don't think.
August- Russ and I went away for our 5th anniversary (holy shit...five years!) to Maine for a week. It was wonderful, a week away. We were at the (non-sandy) beach a ton, ate lobster, kayaked...it was amazing. And them, when we got home, Russ got me a puppy! We went an picked her out as soon as we got home from Maine. We got her from the same shelter that we got Sophie from, there were puppies everywhere! She was in a litter of about 8 other puppies, all of the from Georgia. The litter was about to be put down when the shelter up here rescued them! Russ and Mel liked another puppy, but I was definitely partial to a little black boy with a white spot on his chest. The girl brought him out to me to hold, and I rolled him over and discovered, oops, it was a her! She licked my face all over and I fell in love with her. We took her home that day and named her Sasha. We were told she was a lab/sheppard mix, but as she grows up, she looks exactly like a border collie and has the personality to match one! She's such a handful, Russ genuinely hated her for awhile as a result of some housebreaking problems, but she's getting better. Plus, every now and then I see Russ smiling at her when he's petting her and he's either starting to like her or doing a good job faking it!
In September we went to Sara and Steve's wedding in Rochester, which was fun. The day started out kind of crazy, it was pouring rain. Nick, Jill, Mel and I stopped at a Dunkin' Donuts to get coffee in the morning, and just our luck, Jill slipped and fell on the floor. Over the next few hours, her foot swelled like a balloon. Turns out she actually fractured it, thank you Dunkin' Donuts. The power was out for the wedding, and it was still pouring, but it was still fun. Russ gave an awesome speech as the best man, and the power finally came on. Yay power. In September, I also quit the bank. I had enough with the bullshit, and I actually got so fed up that I quit without having another offer! My second to last day though I got an offer from a museum in Schenectady for their guest relations manager. It was the job I was actually hoping for, so I accepted immediately.
In October I started my new job. October 2nd to be exact. I've been here almost 4 weeks and I genuinely like it. It's much more laid back thank the bank, and the people are all really nice. I manage 2, soon to be 3, front desk people. It's an easy, uncomplicated job, which I'm glad to have after the stress of the bank.
Russ and I are almost completely done with the wedding crap. We have our invitations here right now, the church and reception site are booked, menus planned, cake picked out, limos reserved, photographer and dj reserved. The guest list is done, we're working on getting all of the addresses and phone numbers we need. I pick up my dress on my birthday (happy birthday to me!), the bridesmaids dresses are already picked out and even purchased by a few. We've picked out our honeymoon destination and our hotel too. Pretty much at this point, we just need to pick out the tuxes and wait for it to be April!
And this is my update. I'll update some time in 2007 too haha