Sibley Labyrinth Originally uploaded by
Today Anselm and I went for a hike at Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve in the Oakland hills. The area is well-visited and well-used, as a former quarry and current urban park that features sweeping vistas, meadows, and even a couple rock labyrinths including the spectacular one shown above. I walked the smaller labyrinth, but a few people were sitting together quietly in the center of the larger one, so I did not want to disturb them. However, we saw a few garter snakes slithering across the road, and even a few orange and black snakes swimming in the pond beside this larger labyrinth, munching on tadpoles and hiding among the reeds. The hillsides were windy, with green wild wheat, red clover, lupine and vetch arching and undulating with the air currents in silvery green and pink fluffs. I'm glad we made it out while things were still green, and while the area is covered in wildflowers--even if the clouds swept in, and the chilly wind prompted us to head home rather than linger.