
Apr 19, 2013 19:42

Just a quick note to thank you for the support, virtual gifts and interest.

Today I had radiation treatment number 12, so 18 of those to go. It's a combination with chemo. It's officially still experimental and it's an American discovery and so far the only treatment that actually manages to slow down the type of brain tumour I have. Glioblastoma, to be exact. So I like to think the spirit of our beloved Dr. Reid is trying hard to give me the best change.

Collecting my thoughts is getting better and I've done some writing, but no fiction. Updates like this on Facebook mainly. To share this whole process, because it's quite a ride.

We have to drive to hospital every weekday, so that's putting a toll on the energy. As does the treatment itself, obviously.

But I'm doing okay. We focus on celebrating life and on enjoying what we do have. Counting our blessings and there is a lot to be grateful for. My body is coping. All organs keep functioning, so basically we can continue with the current treatments and that's good news. This road is paved with all kind of unexpected gifts, so I truly feel blessed.

First round of Treatments will end mid November and new scans will then show if this tumour is still the same threat.

Again, thanks for letting me know I'm in your thoughts and prayers. I truly appreciate it. A lot xxx

Enjoy life xxx



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