May 18, 2005 09:57
Ahhhhhhh my hammock is out finally!
I went back to California a few weeks ago. This time I actually explored Highway 1. San Simeon, Big Sur, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Salinias, and so on. What a lovely trip it was! In Berkeley I got a shirt that has the Soviet sickle/hammer'ish/mallet tool that says "People's Republic of Berkeley". Though it may not be 100% historically accurate.. I love it!
Took the AP US History exam. Who knew that the DBQ would be pre-Civil War.. not I!! I am very concerned over the fact that I did not mention the House of Burgesses on one of the first essay questions. Will I pass? Will $82.00 have been spent only to receive a 3 on the exam? Will Mt. Holyoke accept me!?!?! Is the AP Euro DBQ really that much harder!??!?
Now that AP is over our class goes to the Ag department and pets cows, sheep, bunnies, and goats. Sometimes we play baseball in the sun. This is magnificent! My other classes.. well.. not so much.
Anyhoo, I was able to snatch Virginia Woolf as my author for next year's two-month-long, large-ass research paper for AP English. I truly love that woman's writing. Ahhh, to die for!!
I went to my boyfriend's school's prom this year. It was a decent time. Per usual, I was the only sober person at the after party. Why would you even bother to spend so much money to look so pristine and elegant if you're just going to get outrageously drunk and/or high immediately afterwards? It's not that I have some huge problem with kids doing all of that nonsense.. I just personally don't understand it. Think of their poor livers!! I'm too phobic of health problems to do any of that stuff.
Speaking of that, I am 27% certain that I am developing an ulcer from all that has happened/is happening this year. Or an ovarian cyst? It's a toss up!
My Russian course at Yale is coming to a close. I will miss my strolls through the quad, my toffee cookies at Au Bon Pain, the attractive Portuguese students playing soccer.. oh, sigh.
Well, I am off to read my Virginia Woolf novel out on the hammock. Farewell!