Just thought you might like to know what's been going on, and why I've been gone.

Mar 14, 2008 18:08

On Feb. 1st I believe it was, my niece died of the flu, she was only 2 1/2 months old. Then six days later, on the 6th, my sister Jessie was in a fatal car accident. Her husband, my brother in law, father of K. Sharon.....died instantly, and Jessie broke some ribs and got a bruise on her left side of her brain. This means she can't move her right side....but she's now able to talk, and knows about her husband and daughter. On top of that...my brother was arrested....and we're dealing with a lot of court issues. I shant go into why he was arrested....but pray things go our way, and please pray for Jessie, she needs all the love and support she can get.

I dedicated 'This Woman's Work' by Kate Bush to K. Sharon and Cody...you all should hear it....it's a beautiful song. Love and missed all of you.
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