(no subject)

May 25, 2010 00:45

Don't be ridiculous.

If you lost an arm, would you say that your quality of life has decreased so much, that you may as well kill yourself?

That's insane.

Do you groan and moan when a main character wears a bulletproof jacket, but happily suspend disbelief for sentient smoke?

Put a sock in it.

Is there a leak that you need to remedy with a small article of clothing?

You must be joking.

Do you populate the community with foul odors but find others' foods offensive?

Give it up.

Have you gotten the habit to always argue that you are never wrong?

Hands up.

Are you having fun or having fun ruined?

Get out of here.

Is it really necessary for you to tell your own story on every topic we hit?

Oh, please.

Why are you making such a big deal out of this little thing, Mr. Got Mad That We Spelled Analysis Wrong.

I don't even know what's going on.

Really, now?

That's art.

Because it seemed kind of cool, but ultimately made no sense?

Actually, sometimes I feel like art makes less than 0 sense. It makes negative sense, so you have to use your own creative powers to add meaning to the art. I suppose it's thought provoking, but your audience has more creativity than you do, then you've lost, hard.

I feel like people striving to be the "next big thing" have it all wrong. We should be working to be the "first big thing." Like, I don't want to be the next Albert Einstein or the next George Washington, I want to be the first Allen Jiang. On that note, I need to make sure my kids aren't named after someone famous.

Baked chips taste different from fried chips, and British chips taste different from American chips.

The National Milk Producers Federation has been arguing with the FDA over the term "milk." The NMPF feels like the word milk should only apply to animal produced through "mammalian lacteal secretions." This means that "soy milk" is violating the sacred definition of milk. I feel like this is a pointless enough topic for me to weigh in on. While it is in my opinion that soy milk tastes nasty, the NMP Federation is using its powers to illegally place a blockade on the Soyfoods Association of North America. While the council in the senate has yet to vote on the issue, the SANA people have been waiting for a response effort. While the FDA has given neither side a response for the past 14 years, we can only hope that they will send over two ambassadors to engage in peace talks. For years now, the NMP Federation has been building machines and robots to do their bidding, and are currently showing no signs of slowing down. We can only assume the the NMP Federation is planning a full scale invasion of SANA, effectively wiping out the word milk on all their products. Formerly rivals of the land-based SANA, the underwater rice milk people are rumored to join SANA in the defense against the NMP Federation.

I was going to write more, but my friend wants me to write smaller posts more often, rather than large posts occasionally.
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