Oct 21, 2008 19:16
[Feel free to skip this if a fervent defense of gay marriage is something offensive to you. I'd rather not offend any friends as I am glad to agree to disagree and not talk about it, but debate isn't really something I'm open to on this issue.]
You know, there are several things in life I never thought I'd do. Donating to a political campaign is one.
I feel really, really strongly that everyone has the right to pursue happiness with the person they choose. That everyone has the right to celebrate their long term relationships and, if they so choose, receive the government recognition and benefits associated with making that formal commitment. I don't believe a 'domestic partnership' meets that definition - if it did, why have the institution of marriage on a civil level at all. We're long past the days of separate but equal. It wasn't deemed acceptable then; it shouldn't be deemed acceptable now.
But it's been okay to be against gay marriage because it's still okay to be against gay people. Oh, you can dress it up in fancy words. You can disguise it beneath layers of religious reasoning. But it's still discrimination. And private organizations have that right - I don't advocate forcing churches to perform marriages that go against their beliefs, whether it's a gay couple or a couple that refused to undergo pre-marital counseling, if that's what the church believes is required. But your personal morality has no place in the determination of civil rights. That's what this is about. This is a civil definition. Not a religious one. And your religious beliefs have no place here, just like civil definitions have no place in your religious beliefs.
And so today, No on Prop 8 received $10. It's not a lot; I wish I had more to give, but things are tight with the recent (necessary) purchases. I would donate time at the phone bank except that a) I hate phones and b) this issue makes me so angry that I wouldn't be very effective. I am sadly not nearly as optimistic about this as I am on some other movement in the political spectrum - the polls have not been good. But I support it. And I will vote against Prop 8. And I will sign the petition to get it on the ballot again next year, if need be, because there are some rights that everyone deserves to have.
I should not be considering myself lucky for having been born this way, for falling in love with someone of the opposite gender so that I can recognize our relationship the way I want to. I should be considered lucky for finding someone to love like this, period. Gender shouldn't matter. I look forward to that day where that's a true statement.
[Disabling comments because like I said, I feel very strongly about this issue. Consider this more of a 'venting' entry and if you disagree, that's fine. Well, not quite, but I am willing to agree to disagree with friends. Or at least not talk about things.]