Nov 02, 2004 15:01
They showed more of that "Why America is number one" in my Business class. It starts out mentioning cultural diversity and openness. I think I'm going to complain if they show any more of that. Pretty much what it comes down to, seems like "America's number one, because we are open to all cultures and countries, and now I'm going to mention why every other country and way of thinking is worse than ours (assuming everyone is greedy for money)." It even goes to mention how although America has one of the worst murder rates, the crime rate for everything else is worse than Europe who prides themselves on it. Somehow they haven't compared anything to Japan especially crime rate.
Sometimes our society makes me sick (kind of like a druid would be if they existed), and I'm not even talking about how from the air, cities look like some kind of infection spreading out from bodies of water. Yes, I have a safe bed to sleep in, I don't have some master to serve, or a family honor to protect. I have freedom. But then what purpose do I have, if I'm just looking to get a job to make money. Even if I was a Samurai who gives everything to their lord and family, or a wife in that time, who lives only for their husband, there's purpose. I would be doing good for someone other than myself. And if heroes are normal people in extreme situations, what happens in a world of perfect order? If strength comes from having something to protect, what happens when there's no one to protect or no threat? Or what that really comes down to, if everyone is looking for a way to make the world a better place in their own way, what happens when there's no room for improvement and everything different is crushed flat? I guess what happens is people have to watch movies to fill in the conflict and suffering that they're missing.
Sorry, Erin's rant brought that to mind again, so I thought I should rant about my thoughts, but I guess it doesn't really solve anything or provide any comfort. (and I usually don't like to speak pointless words...)
....Anyway, most people probably haven't heard about this so I just wanted to mention that there was 7 remains found of 3-foot tall humanoids that were around 18,000 years ago. I guess that means elves could have existed as well, especially since ears are cartilage.