fun with fatty

Dec 28, 2004 15:33

leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:29:09 PM).
leak smoke cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:29:34 PM).
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:29:36 PM).
Sylis0wnz (3:30:00 PM): is this worth it?
leak smoke (3:30:14 PM): you talked and it stopped
leak smoke (3:30:17 PM): you stupid jerk
leak smoke (3:30:24 PM): this time dont say anything and maybe it will work
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:30:32 PM).
leak smoke cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:30:47 PM).
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:30:48 PM).
leak smoke cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:30:54 PM).
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:30:56 PM).
leak smoke (3:31:01 PM): press "yes"
leak smoke cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:31:02 PM).
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:31:03 PM).
Sylis0wnz (3:31:13 PM): hold up...lemme check the ol firewall
leak smoke cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:31:16 PM).
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:31:19 PM).
Sylis0wnz cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:31:21 PM).
Sylis0wnz (3:31:25 PM): stop the madness!
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:31:28 PM).
leak smoke cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:31:33 PM).
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:31:35 PM).
leak smoke cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:31:51 PM).
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:31:53 PM).
leak smoke cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:32:01 PM).
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:32:07 PM).
leak smoke cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:32:23 PM).
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:32:25 PM).
Sylis0wnz declines request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:32:31 PM).
Sylis0wnz (3:32:35 PM): you're such a cunt
leak smoke wants to directly connect (3:32:42 PM).
Sylis0wnz cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:32:52 PM).
leak smoke (3:32:58 PM): fucks sake
Sylis0wnz wants to directly connect (3:32:58 PM).
Sylis0wnz cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (3:33:00 PM).
leak smoke signed off at 3:33:03 PM.
Sylis0wnz wants to directly connect (3:33:03 PM).
The connection attempt was aborted because leak smoke is not online right now (3:33:03 PM).

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