+ Sarah is ALIVE!!!!!! EEE!
+ William Fitchner!!! EEE! Super smart Secial Agent Alexander Mahone!! A very interesting rival for Michael.
+ It seems that Michael's Tattoo is going to be the McGuffin of the season again... and I hope they also deal with Westmoreland's money!!
+ Michael in that cream color suit OMG *fans herself*
+ Sarah opens the origami crane and finds this written by Michael: THERE'S A PLAN TO MAKE ALL OF THIS RIGHT *dies of OTPness*
+ T-Bag is freaking scary.
+ OMFGBBQ They've killed Veronica while she was on the phone with Lincoln! OMG! Lincoln is go going to be all angsty in the following episodes!
+ I need more Prison Break Icons!!!!
I can't wait for next episode!