It is a real pity that this year's Holidays have being full of “life sucks” moments :(… The rough patch of doom that started back in 2007 is still here and does not seem to be ending anytime soon!!! Anyway, I try to be positive, and truly believe in the power of wishful thinking, so instead of keeping on complaining about “life suckage”, I want to wish you all Happy New Year! I hope your Holidays have been fantastic!!
I have managed to watch a lot of TV stuff lately. I gave Modern Family a try, and I wasn’t disappointed at all, that show is incredibly hilarious! Also, I have seen the BBC’s The Day of the Triffids miniseries, SyFy’s Alice miniseries, and the final David Tennant Doctor Who episodes; I will miss him so much, he is my absolute favorite Doctor! *pouts*
I have also written my New Year resolutions and, as I do every year, I am posting them here, in no particular order.
- Be more frugal. Shop mindfully. Pay off my credit cards. And save, save, save.
- Lose some weight. 20 kilos would be awesome!
- Devote more time to hobbies and fun projects.
BTW, you all know I am a hopeless material girl, who loooooooves presents... Whad did you get for Xmas?
I got the new Jamie Oliver cookbook (I am addicted to cooking and Santa is totally my enabler, because every year I get at least one cookbook for Xmas, heh) and a bottle of a divine Marc Jacobs perfume called Lola. On Jan 6, I will get some more Chistmas presents, thanks to the wonderful Three Kings (aka Three Wise Men), I wonder what they will bring me!!!