Belated post to wish you all Happy New Year! + My New Year Resolutions

Jan 04, 2010 18:18

It is a real pity that this year's Holidays have being full of “life sucks” moments :(… The rough patch of doom that started back in 2007 is still here and does not seem to be ending anytime soon!!! Anyway, I try to be positive, and truly believe in the power of wishful thinking, so instead of keeping on complaining about “life suckage”, I want to wish you all Happy New Year! I hope your Holidays have been fantastic!!

I have managed to watch a lot of TV stuff lately. I gave  Modern Family a try, and I wasn’t disappointed at all, that show is incredibly hilarious! Also, I have seen the BBC’s The Day of the Triffids miniseries, SyFy’s Alice miniseries, and the final David Tennant Doctor Who episodes; I will miss him so much, he is my absolute favorite Doctor! *pouts*


I have also written my New Year resolutions and, as I do every year, I am posting them here, in no particular order. 
  1. Be more frugal. Shop mindfully. Pay off my credit cards. And save, save, save.
  2. Lose some weight. 20 kilos would be awesome!
  3. Devote more time to hobbies and fun projects.

BTW, you all know I am a hopeless material girl, who loooooooves presents... Whad did you get for Xmas?

I got the new Jamie Oliver cookbook (I am addicted to cooking and Santa is totally my enabler, because every year I get at least one cookbook for Xmas, heh) and a bottle of a divine Marc Jacobs perfume called Lola. On Jan 6, I will get some more Chistmas presents, thanks to the wonderful Three Kings (aka Three Wise Men), I wonder what they will bring me!!!

xmas, rl, new year's resolutions

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