Holy Taledo Batman, I'm twenty-freaking-six

Feb 18, 2009 19:22

I am now officially closer to thirty than I am to twenty.  Though in reality I don't feel any older, so I guess that's a good sign.  The birthday festivities were excellent.  They entailed lots of drinking, laughing, and game play.  A couple of my buddies came up to enjoy the weekend with me.  Though I just think they came because they are single and have nothing better to do with their time (Joking!) No, they are great, and could have done a hundred and one different things besides coming to visit me, and I am so grateful that they did.  It was definitely good times.  Well most of it, but I'm trying to ignore the bad parts.

So, my legs are extremely sore, as I have begun working out again, now that I am no longer sick and the party is over.  I thought my belly would be the most sore, but alas, my legs tricked me and do not like being forced into exercise.  Oh well, they will get back into shape damn it!   Along with the belly and the booty.  It's hard work, but I forgot how much fun working out can be.  I don't do a gym anymore.  Too much money and I never wind up going.  I'm better off at home, because then I don't have to go anywhere, so I have no excuse not to do it.  Work it girl!

The contest entry is due in May, but editing is a biatch!  I never did like that part, but it must be done.  Hubby is on my butt about it.  No more procrastinating.  I'll actually be looking over it again tomorrow.  I haven't even glanced at it in two weeks, so my mind can read it fresh.  Newbie here, so doing it the best way I can.

Also working on The Novel, which I actually have a title for now.  Should I say?  Or Nay?  Well, I'll think about it, but I don't want to jinx it.  My leaf has been turned and I don't want the wind coming out of jinxville to flip it back over.

The only problem I've got at the moment, is that I've got two separate beginning chapters.  Now both chapters will take the story down a different path, but both paths lead to the same place.  The question is, which is the more interesting.  I think I have my answer, but I'm making the hubby read each one to get his opinion.  So, by tomorrow, I shall have my answer.  Though I think I've already made it.  Still, well we'll see.

The other thing I'm doing, once I finish this entry, is writing a second chapter for each to see which one flows better, and which keeps my interest.  I mean if it can't keep my interest, well I can't very well expect to keep a readers interest.

All right, catch ya later LJ addicts.  <3

new leaf

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