Just Ramblings

Jan 15, 2009 19:13

Chunky Monkey and I walked the yard today.  Well technically she ran, I walked.  She has little dachshund legs.  I'm trying to get her down to nine pounds.  She's thirteen now.  It should actually be a tangible goal now that my aunt has moved out.  She was feeding all the dogs all day, and not even healthy stuff.  I know she fed her cheesecake once because it was her dogs birthday.  So they had a party.  I was not amused.  Anyways, now she has hard food and dinner, usually scraps.  Both of my girls seem to feel they are above wet dog food.  She's slimming a bit already.

It is freezing!!!!!!

Tonight after all are asleep I resume editing my short story for a contest.  I sent it to my god brother for a rough read.  He liked and gave a few pointers.  I can always count on him because he absolutely, brutally honest and he doesn't care about your feelings.  He should have been a critic.  Seriously he'd be rich!

In awesome news SUPERNATURAL resumes tonight!!!!!!!!  *Does Happy Dance*  I'm an addict.  I love that show.  The funny thing, so does my dad.   We watch it religiously every week, have the first two seasons on DVD and can have lengthy conversations about the show.  Guns, bows, hunting, and growing food are great things to talk about, but it's always great that we can talk about little mundane things too.  Well I mean really we can talk about anything, but it's cool that at 60 we have the some of the same media interests.  I even had to buy two copies of the last Harry Potter book because after he had seen the first movie he stole my collection and read them all, so by the time the last book came out, well yeah, he would have stole my copy.  So we got two, and sat on the couch, and read them until we were both finished.  We would both look up from time to time and make comments to each other.  We apparently read at close to the same speed as well.

Okay, I'm rambling now, but what can I say, I love my dad. 
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