Possible? For A Plain Yellow Pumpkin To Become A Golden Carriage?

Jun 19, 2008 18:34

 So after my normal nervous break down the other day, I've decided to come back and up date what's been going on in my life.

I am now officially a full time receptionist at an advertising company.  It seem I may have taken the first step to getting experience in the writing world.  Let me explain.

When I went in for the interview three weeks ago I was asked the question almost every employer utters during the get to know you period.  "What is your dream job?"  In other words what do you want to be when you grow up and stop slacking off and working dead end jobs?  I answered honestly.  "A writer."  Hey, I don't want to be a receptionist for the rest of my life, but I live in America where gas prices are breaking the once middle class families and knocking them down here with us struggling ones.  It's pulling us struggling families down in the ditches because we now have to walk our butts to work.  Our country is expensive and getting more so by the day.  It's getting to the point where you can't even poop without paying someone for having to sit on the pot.  I need money, there for, I applied for the job.  Of course all I told her was "A writer."

At which point she said, "What do you write?  Headlines?  Ads?"

"Nothing like that.  I write stories, songs, and poetry."  And every once in a while I get around to posting a decent blog, unlike the whiny oh my god poor me blog from the other day.

So, after a few days, she wants a second interview so the rest of the staff can meet me.  Works good, everyone's laughing, joking, having a great time.  I get the job.

I start on Tuesday of last week.  I learn the ropes all that good stuff.  By Thursday they need a couple of headlines typed up.  I can do that.  As I turn to leave she stops me.  "By the way, if you can think of anything add them to the list."

My heart beats just a little faster, as no one has seen my work other than writing buddies and on occasion my husband.   What the hell, I'll give it a shot.  So I read the ads, and check out the companies website and get some ideas for the products that they sell.  From there, I came up with four headlines to add to the list for the ad.

Was I happy for the chance?  Of course.  Did I think that they were going to do anything with them?  Not really.  I figured I was a novice compared to the other writers who work at the company.

So anyways, she decides to show them to our big boss and see what he says.  Friday afternoon, I learn that he thought they were great and he's presenting them to the company!  Okay, now I'm shocked!  Shocked enough, that I just sputter something that isn't even coherent and he smiles at me.

They have also decided that they want to expand on my creativity and teach me how to write news releases.  Holy crap!  I mean, I know it's not much, and they might not even decide to use one of my headlines, but it's still the thought that it could happen.  They were talking to me about how I would feel when my first whatever was published and I was like "SHHHHHHH don't jinx it!!!"

This week they gave me the job of coming up for a new name for a company.  There original name is too close to another company and they don't want the two confused.  I came up with about ten names, so hopefully they will like one of them.  Right now they are throwing odds and ends my way.  I don't think they want to start with the major training of any kind of writing because it's only my second week.  They say patience is a virtue, but right now it's just a pain in my butt.  I need the next few months to fly by so I can learn this stuff.

I went to this place looking for a job as a receptionist, not thinking in a million years it would turn into something else.  I found the ad in the paper and went for it.  Good pay, weekends off, and gas money when I run errands for the office.  Now though, it's looking like it might be a possibility in disguise. If nothing else, it's local exposure with ads in magazines and newspapers, and more importantly, it's experience.  There ain't nothing wrong with a little know how and little somethin' somethin' to back it up, you get what I'm sayin?

Yeah, okay, so I'm a little hyper.  Sorry about that.  I don't excited often, but when I do, I get a little....hmmm psycho sometimes.  Totally unlike myself with big smiles and crazy laughter that doubles me over and brings tears to my eyes.  Good moods are weird.

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