Taking a break from work blues blacks to post some memes for distraction.
the ♥
fanart love ♥ meme
And this one taken from Seki
Leave me a comment saying "rainbow".
I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1. What are you working as now?
Erm...it's kinda hard to describe. Marketing in a product department in a company that has nothing whatsoever to do with what I studied for and what I aspired to be. Life's finicky like that XD I wish I had the guts to take the jump and do what I want.
2. What is the one thing that you love about your neighbourhood?
Not the people definitely :| erm...the convenience in location I guess. It's near the important highways so I can get to most places in the shortest times.
3. Favorite local food?
There's too many to list XD erm...cendol? Roti canai? Karipap?
4. What games have you been playing lately XD
NO TIME TO PLAY (cry) stopped midway Mana Khemia 2, A Witch's Tale, Dissidia, KoR (I can't even remember the full name orz)
5. What is this doujin you're working ooon
XDDD The. Best. Crack. Ever. FF7 crossover with Patapon 8DDbbb.
I...don't want to get back to work /sob