Title: I’m Marking It Down To Learning
superkappaPrompt: "There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it." -Oscar Wilde for
sylelle_challCharacters/Pairing: Gabriel/Elle, Samuel
Rating: R
Warnings (spoilers): Drawn from some of the stuff seen in the promos for 4x05 and 4x06, but mostly just speculation.
Summary: Family. That’s the important thing; Gabriel knows that at the very least. So when Samuel tells him to go to California, to go to a grave there and follow the instructions given to him, he listens.
A/N: Lots of love and credit goes to
dragynflies for helping me out of my Syelle block, and for betaing it and making sure this makes any sort of sense. She wins at life. Srsly.
There Will Be No Rest For These Tired Eyes.