Hello everyone. You may or may not know me, but I’m Katie/
superkappa and I’m going to be taking over running things here. I know this community kind of died out a few months ago, but I’m hoping to revive it, as we always got great entries for the challenges.
So without further ado, Drabble Challenge #7:
I know that this was part of what had ruined everything but I wanted it once more anyway.
-Echo by Francesca Lia Block
Deadline: August 25, 2009
Word Limit: None. I know a lot of people don’t like them, and I want to encourage as much participation as possible right now.
Conditions: All ratings and genres are welcome! Challenges posted must preferably meet deadlines, as well as any challenge-specific requirements/restrictions. Feel free to use the prompt how you see fit, include it in the fic, paraphrase it or just use it for inspiration.
Questions: You're welcome to PM me with any questions or just comment to this post.
The posting format can be found in the
profile. Lastly, if you have any ideas for future prompts, feel free to use the
suggestion box. Like I stated above, I’d like to try to revive this community, and I’d love to hear any ideas or thoughts the members might have.