Comic-Con post 1: Wednesday, Preview Night

Jul 22, 2009 22:21

 Well kiddies, I has wireless at the hotel! I'll be posting the day's events and pictures from CCI at the end of the day. Nothing uber thrilling today but I did go to the pilot screenings for  Human Target and V,  AND I have fresh Heroes footage details to share. So let's begin at the beginning. Our shuttle arrived there after 4 pm. and Iluvbsbkevin and I got into the line for our passes. The line wasn't too bad and the passes were upstairs so we had a crushing line of people on the escalator with us. After our passes we set about trying to find our other friends. mabetini and katme101 were traveling to get to the convention center and takhallus  contacted me. So I left and went to have dinner with her and her friend. Saving the details of that for the personal post ; D Following that, I went with them into the ballroom for the television pilot showings. First up, Human Target a show based on a DC property. It stars Mark Valley as Christopher Chance who's job it is to put himself into harm's way to protect his clients. In that way it reminds of a more hardcore Burn Notice. He works with Chi Mcbride's character, Winston (Who smacks of his Pushing Daisies character, Emerson with a much more muted wardrobe) and Jackie Earle Haley's character Guerrero (the tech guy with all the info). The pilot was pretty good, funny and the action was fantastic. There's a fightscene that occurs in the air duct of a train that's pretty fucking cool. Also, for you BSG fans Tricia Helfer plays a client of Chance whom he's trying to figure out who's going after her. All-in-all it got a good room response, lots of applause for Haley who shall forever have eternal fanboy love for his role in the Watchmen. You never hear any complaints about Rorschach, do ya? Interspersed between shows were little trailers and commericals for other WB properties. There was a veeeeery short teaser for the new season of Supernatural. Highlights of that included of course Dean and Castiel sitting side by side and Dean all bemused saying 'So do you have to do what I tell you to now?' So excited for that.

Then we had the pilot episode of V, the series based on the miniseries. Spoilers below. 
Okay first of all the pilot had stylistic and scene choices that seem very Lost-esque. This is reinforced when the first shot of the pilot is Elizabeth Mitchell's eye as she awakens from the sudden earthquake that seems to be taking place. What's revealed to be causing the disturbance is a rather large black ship that's now hovering over New York City.  A screen appears on the underside of the ship and an disturbingly attractive female,Anna (Morena Baccarin) appears telling the citizens to remain calm and that they are here for peaceful reasons. Many believe them to be the saviors that mankind has been looking for, while others like Mitchell's character Erica, an FBI agent, are much more skeptical. It's interesting all of the allegory that's made with the Visitors and terrorists by the rebellion group that appears later on in the show. I must say while Mitchell herself is as-always a highlight in anything she does--I felt like her character needs to be much further expanded upon in future episodes. The show is set up as various people who become interconnected by this one large event, sound a bit familiar? Erica, her son Tyler, her partner Dale (Alan Fucking Tudyk), a man with a shady past named Ryan who's preparing to purpose to his girlfriend, a tv reporter named Chad Decker who is fascinated with the V's, and others. What I'm interested to see is how this will go into a concept that can sustain for more than a season if it catches on. It's got some great potential and the fight against the V's definitely reminds me of Cylon paranoia. Definitely one to look out for this fall/winter.

So I didn't stay for Vampire Dairies which I wanted to for Ian Somerhalder We'll see what the buzz is. I went down to the Exhibit hall and that's where I met up with everyone else after leaving takhallus  and her friend in the pilot screenings. iluvbsbkevin  took me to the Heroes booth which is shaped like a giant action figure package where they have the Costa Verde cheerleaders again. They also have a contest wherein you can win a Nissan Cube with Heroes graphic novel art on the sides. But that's not the goods, at the flat screen tvs they are playing a trailer for Volume 5: Redemptions. I wrote down as much as I could of the events that unfolded and will now spill them for you character by character.

Claire: We see her at the Orientation of her new school. We see her with her new roomate Gretchen, the dark angsty morbid one. She seems kinda cool actually. Claire at one point is on a bus and then later on we see her with a laser sight aimed at her heart while on the bus. At one point she's with Noah claiming that she 'just wants to be Claire Bennet, Noah Bennet's daughter.' We also see Claire jump out of a window and land splat on a chalk outline while her roommate looks on.

Noah: Not too much with him but it's all badass awesomeness. We see him in a car with water rushing in as he's freaking out getting out. We see him with Claire as referenced above. We see him on some steps with a rather large stabbing gash in his side and Peter Petrelli himself coming to his aid. Later on in they're in what appears to be a hospital and Noah asks 'What did you do?!' and we see a compass spinning out of control in Peter's hand which makes Peter go 'I'm not doing anything!'

Peter: With Noah and then he rips off a cardoor with his supa-strength (Ty much Dr. Suresh) and it appears to be the woman playing his new love interest.

Ando: Apparently macking on Kimiko Nakamura

Hiro: We see him linked to the Carnival. See Carnival.

Tracy: She talks about feeling herself shatter and then when she came back how she wanted to 'kill everyone who hurt her'. She's also seen spending some time with Noah and previous spoilers have her as a member of this new Company so that fits.

The Carnival: Here we have Robert Knepper's character of Samuel and the first time we see him he's leading a funeral. There are a bunch of carnival folks around him including Ray Park's character as well as the tattoo lady Lydia. He's speaking about their seeming fallen comrade Joseph. Everyone looks real shady and specifically at Samuel himself. Pretty much think that he was responsible for Joseph's death. More Carnival stuff included a look at Lydia's power which is pretty sweet. She went into a trance and Samuel was by her face, he asked her questions about what she was seeing and she described that a man named Hiro Nakamura was at this carnival before 14 years ago. And a tattoo of Hiro appears suddenly on her back.  We then see Samuel with Hiro being all creepy in classic T-Bag style (for you Prison Break Knepper fans) telling him his name is Samuel and they're going to be 'really close friends'  We also see Hiro with himself at 14 so yep time-travel is back peeps. We also see the knife dude as played by Ray Park who I'm pretty sure is the one who sliced up HRG.  See, Samuel is taking about special people and that they're pretty much their brethren and that it's 'time for them to come home'. So the theory is pretty much that the Carnival is after those that harm specials. Because Noah being attacked and then *SPOILER ALERT* we see motherfuckin' Danko and he gets his head sliced up by what is likely a big ol carnival guy's knife-throwiing that was an 'OMG IT'S DANKO....WHOA HE'S DEAD I THINK!' moment. Totally unexpected to see that in the trailer at the booth.Ray Park's knife throwing guy also talks with Samuel at one point about 'Redemption' he asks if that's possible for them.

And now what I think were the best moments of the clips.

Angela: At a Chinese restaurant we see Angela dining and then Sylar, yes Sylar!Sylar, in Nathan shirt and tie as he leans in and gives Angela a kiss on the cheek. He says something about 'but that wouldn't be proper manners would it?' and then of course she wakes up all freaked out.

Nathan: We see a fucking awesome shot of Nathan sitting back in his chair when suddenly a bolt of blue lightning cracks off from one palm to the next and he FREAKS OUT.

Matt: Matt talks to Angela and says he's 'out he's done with this, he's going cold turkey.'


Sylar!: With Matt, holding Matty Jr. and glaring. Matt looks terrified and Sylar makes the kid make the tk hand motion and he only says one thing 'I body back' D< God I can't wait...we think he's using some form of astral projection such as in Into Asylum with Danko in the car.

The final shot is Samuel moving his hands and making the dirt fall over into the hole that their comrade is buried in. No Mohinder in this, I bet they're saving him for the Heroes panel trailer which I'll be at and will give a full report. God how I cannot wait for September.

That's all for today, pix to come shortly for today and Thursday's shenanigans, bye!

matt, squeefest, noah, heroes, angela, sylar, volume 5, comic-con, petrelli, nathan, peter

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