May 12, 2008 14:59
*When he had finished listening to Mohinder's answer on the subject...something struck him about it. The tone of the man's voice. Mohinder was indeed extremely displeased at his current position. Sylar leaned forward as he looked up at Mohinder while he spoke.* Mohinder, why do you let them use you? *He blinked slowly, eyes remaining fixed on Suresh.* With your talent and the research that has already been accomplished... it doesn't make sense. Ultimately, you realize that by giving them this power over you...over your life...that they have the means to end it. *Sylar cocked his head to the side slightly.* Have they threatened little Molly? Is there some threat disguised as an incentive that keeps you with these people? I'd like to know why you feel you have no choice.
*Mohinder blinked slowly and turned his head aside to actually look at Sylar. Here to fore he'd had half his attention still on the screen, but now he gave the former killer his full focus.* You will not talk about Molly Walker again. You are not to even mention her name, nor make insinuations about her without mentioning it. Is that clear? *The rest of Sylar's inquiry was moot until that point was understood.*
*Pursed his lips and ,fine he didn't really care to talk about the brat anyway but he loved how it irked Mohinder.* Yes. I won't say her name again, you're so sensitive about it Suresh, calm down. *He was on the verge of shouting, telling the killer that he had no right to even utter the name of that sweet, orphaned angel whom he'd so deeply traumatized, whom he'd delivered into Mohinder's hands and care... only to effectively snatch her away again when Mohinder couldn't give up his obsession with her parents' murderer... He didn't say any of that though, just trembled with the anger of it for a moment before he could answer.* Good. ...And perhaps you don't realize, but the Company has something of a monopoly on the field of human evolution. They mostly left my family alone until my father managed to get his theories published. I think they would have recruited him, too, if it hadn't been for your interference
*Guess we'll never know then.* My interference? I didn't come to his doorstep looking for any of this. He came to me, never forget that Mohinder. Of all the billions of people on this planet and however many are different...he came to me. This was , as much as you despise my saying so, fate Mohinder. If not for his passing...then you certainly wouldn't have been drawn into all of this I'm sure. At least not to your current level of involement. *He smiled a little.* It's really so noble that you do this...give up any chance of your own life to follow in his footsteps. Shame he wouldn't be proud. He didn't want this for you and yet you stubbornly jumped at the first chance didn't you? You had no business taking over Chandra's life's passion. Passion borne of the desire to save a daughter that he could not and then could not let go of. *So many times he was forced to listen to the story of Mohinder's sister and her illness.* But that man...he thought this occurence, this...phenomena of nature was a beautiful thing. He never would have sold his soul in the manner in which you clearly have to people who want only to find a way to control eliminate it. To halt the progress of the species. *Sylar stood up a little straighter as he spoke, heart beating rapidly with his every word and thought. Eager to hear Mohinder's reply.*
*Mohinder's reply was swift, brutal retaliation. He pushed back out of his office chair in an instant, closed the space between them and back handed the Intuitive hard enough to send the weakened man crashing to his shoulder on the floor.* YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY I SELL MY SOUL TO THESE PEOPLE?! *He demanded, voice definitely raised as he stood over the fallen killer.* It has nothing to do with my father any more. I don't give a damn about his approval, what he wanted for me, because he didn't want me, he just wanted a cure for his sickly daughter! *Mohinder towered above Sylar, glaring down and half daring the former killer to try to rise, he'd find a foot in his gut faster than he could blink.* It's you. You're the all-consuming reason, the ransom for my morals and ethics and sanity. I stay with them because they are the only ones who can afford me the resources to deal with a demon like you. ...and it's not lost on me, the perverse, poetic irony that the thing that killed my sister, the virus I was born too late to cure, is the weapon I wield, the real chains with which I bind you.