The thing that made Ees cry

Feb 02, 2008 20:48

This is what I'm talking about Kat,

Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:23:41 PM):*his phone rings in his pocket*  Hello? Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:23:54 PM):(Well besides confronting Adam would he honestly tell his sister?) Zachluvsstripes (5:23:58 PM):*pauses at the sound of his voice* Zachluvsstripes (5:24:06 PM):(i doubt it, but he'd sure let old adam boy have it) Zachluvsstripes (5:24:31 PM):(wouldn't want to hurt her you know) Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:24:43 PM):Hello?  Are you there? I can't hear you. Zachluvsstripes (5:25:08 PM):*bites her lip* G-greg? *clears her throat some* Greg, it's me. Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:25:11 PM):( I'm wondering if to get the secret out we go with the security thing we discussed) Zachluvsstripes (5:25:19 PM):(i like that) Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:25:52 PM):*blinks a bit* Keysha?!  *sits quietly for a moment, his mouth agape*  Wh-why are you calling me? Zachluvsstripes (5:26:24 PM):*Sighs sharply as she starts pacing the room* I just, I wanted to know how have you been...tell you I was okay. Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:28:02 PM):*blinks a bit*  After Adam and Peter told me what happened I thought I'd never hear your voice again... Zachluvsstripes (5:28:23 PM):*scrunches her face up some* What about Adam and Peter? Zachluvsstripes (5:28:40 PM):*thinks some* Did they find the cabin? Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:29:37 PM):*gets quiet for a moment* Yes they did they said you were there... Zachluvsstripes (5:30:10 PM):*Shakes her head even though he cant see it* No, no we left there after....*her voice gets low* after Mohinder did what he did. Zachluvsstripes (5:30:25 PM):I haven't Adam or Peter in a while Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:31:03 PM):What?  You broke Adam's sword in half... they went there after we grabbed Mohinder...and they said... *gets quiet* Zachluvsstripes (5:32:48 PM):*chuckles softly* Did they tell you that? As much as I think I would at times liked to have snapped his sword in two, I didn't. I haven't seen Adam since .....that day. Wait, wait you have Mohinder? *sighs in relief* you have no idea how happy that makes me to hear. I-I was scared he'd come back, fucker is crazy he...*also gets quiet* Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:33:40 PM):I...I know what he did Keysha... he said it...I'm so sorry... Zachluvsstripes (5:35:43 PM):*Sighs and you can hear her sniffling some over the line* Thank you. Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:36:45 PM):So...So...are you really going to stay with Gabriel?  It's your choice? Zachluvsstripes (5:39:55 PM):*Moves and sits down on the bed* ...I....I...*pauses some to collect her thoughts the best she can* Yes Greg. I am, I'm so sorry, I n-never wanted you to get hurt in any way because of all of this. .....and you dont, you dont have to worry about me. He's not hurting me, he's not forcing me to do anything. I'm okay, I-I'm going to be married to him that's.....he, that's why I'm calling you now is I didn't know if I'd ever get another chance to hear your voice again. Zachluvsstripes (5:40:09 PM):(ees is getting to into this *wipes tears away*) Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:40:40 PM):(DAWWW) Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:42:04 PM):*silence on the end of the phone for a few moments*  I see... I can come right now for you... you don't have to do this... Zachluvsstripes (5:44:00 PM):*a few gasping sobs break out as she forces herself to calm after* I-I do Greg,  I do. It's okay, I'll be okay really. I hope you have a really great life, and I hope you find someone that makes you just so happy. Zachluvsstripes (5:44:18 PM):(*fumbles for kleenex gorramit i'm crying kiyo *smacks self*) Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:44:53 PM):(OH noes!) Zachluvsstripes (5:45:06 PM):(oh i'm such an ass) Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:46:01 PM):*sits on a chair and looks around Peter's place, he's here alone at the moment...*  If you ever...ever change your mind Keysha... just call me and I will be there for you... know that.  *voice cracking* Zachluvsstripes (5:47:50 PM):*sniffles some laughing in her sobs at the thought that her life could ever be her own again* I know you would. I....I know you would. You have no idea how much that means to me Greg. *glances around the room some* I um, I h-have to go. Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:48:38 PM):I love you Keysha... I'll never really stop... goodbye... Zachluvsstripes (5:49:06 PM):*looks down at the floor* I ....I know, too *hangs up* Zachluvsstripes (5:49:28 PM):(oh fuck dude, i like...oh that was like.....i cant stop crying) Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:50:00 PM):(DAWWW!  *hands you tissue*  Take a moment!) Zachluvsstripes (5:50:34 PM):(LOL! I'm good, i'm just an ass that's all *blows nose*) Kiyoluvsbsbkevin (5:50:59 PM):(*pat pat* You're not an ass, method acting.) Zachluvsstripes (5:51:45 PM):(lmao, oh dude like seriously i'd been thinking about what their conversation would be like and i was like MAN this is gonna be sad and then oh it so was, cuz that boy aint ever giving up on me and it makes it 10 million times worse to do this to him) Zachluvsstripes (5:56:17 PM):*Shakily sets the phone back down again she sits on the bed and wipes her eyes some* Zachluvsstripes (5:57:50 PM):*She wishes he would have been angry it would have been easier if he was angry. Why did he have to say that? Why does he have to say he'll always be there for her? Why can't he just hate her.....he really should. After a bit she gets up and grabs the room key off the table and goes to the elevator. Waits some and arrives in the lobby wondering if Jessica is here yet.*


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