[creative] TX

Dec 05, 2010 00:56

Trench Walker took me to a few different clubs. They all served the same people but the places were so small that more and more needed to be built just so people could throw money down the drain and dance their lives away. Everyone in the Bloodlands is infected, but not everyone enjoys that fact. Those who couldn't take it offed themselves years ago when the outbreak first happened. Those that kept going only lasted until they realized just how pointless it is to stick around. This was a crumbling, dirt ridden society with no one to help. Still, some decided to stick it out and try to build a life. Either way, most people nowadays spend their lives in the clubs.
At last Trench Walker took me to the club sTyX, apparently owned by some guy named TX.  This place wasn't as crowded as the others, but it would fill eventually. New Angels was a constantly growing town. There is a trend amongst depressed people to run around without protection and let the chips fall where they may. Unfortunately for the baby, it usually gets left to fend for itself.
The air was hot and heavy. It was well into mid afternoon but you could tell that many of these people had spent the night here. There were a few people passed out in the corners of the room and a few pickpockets lifting their wealth. The heat weighed on my mind. I felt another memory flow over me. I saw myself walking through the crowd unnoticed. I saw the unknown woman. I saw a syringe. I shuddered as Trench Walker squeezed my shoulder. "What's with you?" He asked.
"I was here before. I came here to meet some woman. I think she injected me with something," I said.
"A woman you say?" Trench Walker scrunched up his bristly face. "I think I was here that night. Was she sitting over there?" He pointed his finger to one of the tables. I recognized it instantly.
"It is! Did you see what happened?" I asked.
"Er, yeah," he mumbled. "Look, I'll start off by sayin' I'm sorry for not jumpin' in when I saw it happen then and there, but I thought you was getting lucky."
"Hold on, what did you see her do to me?" I wasn't liking where this was going.
"Well, uh, yeah. See, all I saw was you chatting that fine piece of ass up, and then I saw her drag you out of the joint. I thought you were just drunk off your ass and she was helping you out. If Idda known you were drugged up and ready to be dumped I would have stepped in..." He sighed. "Forgive me?"
I frowned. "Doesn't do me any good to dwell on things that are done and gone. My main concern is getting some idea of who I am back at the very least." Trench Walker shrugged.
"It ain't often you get second chances. Maybe you should let your past stay where it is and move on. Most of the time you're better off not knowing what you did the next morning."
"Yeah, maybe," I said. As we turned to leave the club two bouncers with amazing and terrible force ripped me to the side. I could see Trench Walker react, but not soon enough. The guards knew there was someone there, but couldn't see him. They didn't seem to have the time to chase ghosts. Instead they continued to drag me off and away. To where, I didn't want to know.
The guards threw me into, what appeared to be, a man cave. The finest technology that one could find in the Bloodlands had been planted here. On the wall was a massive screen where a cheap porno flick was playing. The floor had a tiger rug underneath an antique coffee table. The couch was an expensive leather with a cow skin draped over the back. The pillows looked to be some sort of fur, but I couldn't tell the exact animal.
Seated on the couch was a very tall black man smoking a cigar. He gave a small gesture to the bouncers and they left the room. He placed his cigar in an ash tray and gave me a cold glare. "Its rather interesting that you decided to happen by and show your face after all this time. Getting cocky aren't we, Shadow?"
"Look guy, I don't know what your deal is, but I am not the guy you think I am," I tried to explain.
"Don't give me that rabble, Shadow. I know what you look like. I've seen your face," he said angrily. "Now, tell me, why have you returned?"
"I don't even know who you are let alone why I'm here. If you'll just let me explai-."
"You come into my establishment, you insult me, and now you lie to me? You're messing with the wrong guy, Shadow. You don't know what it took for me to keep this place going all these years. I don't intend to have you going around causing trouble. If it means killing you, then I won't hesitate."
"Wait! Just give me a chance to explain somehow," I said.
"No need for that, Shadow. I have a rather beautiful plan for you," the man grinned from ear to ear. His teeth were so white they contrasted his dark complexion. His eyes, which I didn't notice right away, were two different colors, a rich hazel and an icy gray. The gray eye seemed to look right through me. I could feel his stare in my head. The hazel eye made me feel sleepy. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier until I finally gave in.

creative: the foundation

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