Title: Beyond This Place of Wrath and Tears
Author: Desiree
Rating: PG 13
Spoilers: All seasons
Characters: Peter Petrelli, Sylar, with a cameo from Noah Bennett
Disclaimer: Sylar, Peter and co. are property of their respective creators...
Summary: The years behind the wall have left their mark, but Peter still has to decide what to do about his new found understanding out in the real world.
A/N: So this is the story I said I'd post sometime in Jan. Yeah, I know.
He'd lost sight of Sylar pretty fast in the turmoil that had followed Claire's jump off the Ferris Wheel. The truth was, Peter hadn't gone out of his way to go looking for the other man. The bone deep conviction that Sylar wouldn't start another killing spree had made it easy to just leave.