Title: Metamorphosis
Author: like_gallows
Characters: thusfar Sylar, Peter, Lubbock, Gibson, Lydia, Samuel, Edgar
Rating: Mature
Genre: angst, drama, eventually slash
Warnings: general mind-fudgery and a little violence
Summary: He didn't have a soul. He was a monster. His name was Sylar, Gabriel, Nathan; he couldn't remember any of them. Not with any sort of attachment. Just pieces. The things he could remember came to him through a filter. What he could remember was one face but what this person meant to him, he didn't know. With warring halves and the expectations of others, it's impossible to know who he really is. Or who he's meant to become.
Note: This is going to be Petlar but exploring amnesia Sylar apparently has taken a little longer than originally planned. Not to fear -- in the next two chapters or so we should see more of Peter and the troublesome twosome from there on out. I thought it would come a lot sooner, alas! Anyway, this is my first shot at heroes fic.
Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter Seven