Fic: The Chronicle of Perdition

Apr 01, 2010 23:35

TITLE: The Chronicle of Perdition
CHAPTER SEVEN: Darkness (Part Three)
Author: Vespaer
Characters: Sylar/Claire
Rating: Rated "PG13" for a little language and a little violence
Category: Romance/Angst/Mystery/Adventure (is that a category?)
Spoilers: S4 stuff
Word Count: 7472
Summary: “What, you afraid I’m gonna die? Leave you all alone to wander eternity all by your pitiful little self?”

Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes or anything remotely related and I bow humbly before the television gods, please have mercy on me.
A/N: Whew this chapter is late!!! Sorry folks! Had some nice family time, though, did a little traveling, and am currently getting over a nasty cold so to say I've been busy is a tad of an understatement, but I would NEVER give up this story =D It must go on! The most important reason for the delay, however, is the amount of research I had to put into it: restaurants in the Atlanta airport, menus for that restaurant, caves in Texas, corresponding coordinates even, the surrounding terrain at said coordinates (even though my grandma and my mom grew up in parts of Texas), what domestic oil marketing companies were like (they have nice websites btw, very tasteful), symptoms of rattlesnake bites, etc. Tons of stuff. I'm also gonna forewarn - I've made a very bold move and I'm fleshing out Sylar's character quite a bit more than what the show allowed. I mean, let's face it: we don't really know much about the guy other than he's got an ability, he's got mommy issues, and he kills people. Claire we've got figured out pretty well, but there's a lot of Sylar that's still a mystery. I'm filling in some of the gaps. If you see ANY toes I've oafishly stepped on (because some research didn't turn up much in the way of results), please let me know so I can groan in my retardedness. And, lastly - Kaas, there's an article of clothing in here just for you =D

CHAPTER SEVEN: Darkness (Part Three)

fic, $volume5, !multichapter, #rating: pg13, @vespaer

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